ARRA Assistance to Firefighters Grant FY2009 Application for Fire Station Construction (NB)
This item requests that the Commission authorize the City Manager to apply for and execute a grant award for the FY2009 Assistance to Firefighters Grant for Fire Station Construction.
The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has $210,000,000 available in grant funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) Assistance to Firefighters (AFG) Fire Station Construction Grant. This program has been established to assist fire departments in the modification, upgrading, and construction of fire stations. Projects funded will address firefighter safety and community safety.
Gainesville Fire Rescue has two potential uses for fire station construction funds: 1) funding to support construction of Fire Station 8, which is already in the planning process; and 2) funding to upgrade Fire Station 5 for firefighter health and safety. Funds originally allocated for Station 5 were redirected based on priority needs for upgrades at Station 4 and for roof replacement at Station 2. Staff anticipates submitting both projects for grant funding.
FEMA will award grants with a maximum amount of $5,000,000 per project and $15,000,000 per award. FEMA anticipates awarding approximately 100 grants for projects that may be funded for a period of 36 months. Administrative costs cannot exceed 3% of the total award and there will be no prohibition on the supplanting of funds. The application period closes July 10, 2009.
Fiscal Note
This grant requires no match.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager to: 1) Submit an application for, and execute the grant award contracts and other necessary documents pending approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternate Recommendation: The City Commission not authorize the City Manager to apply for the grant.