Update on Redevelopment Projects and Development Agreements (NB)
Staff has been asked to provide an update on referrals, several redevelopment projects and development agreements under review. This update is a sampling of the many projects underway by the CRA, and is not a complete list.
Downtown Water Feature - At the July 16th, 2007 meeting, the CRA Board discussed urban water features, particularly the potential for an interactive water feature located at the Plaza or some other public space Downtown. The CRA Board referred this item to Staff to research and review. Staff sought input from DRAB at its September 26, 2007 meeting. At that meeting, DRAB requested that Staff provide additional information regarding health risks associated with interactive fountains. Upon receiving information from Staff regarding the health issues DRAB recommended that there be no water features included in the downtown plaza redevelopment. Staff plans to seek further guidance from the CRA on this issue and will include the item for discussion on a future agenda early next year.
Tumblin Creek Curb - At the September 17th, 2007 the CRA Board voiced concerns about maintenance issues along the green planting strip that will run parallel to the new fencing. This planting strip is situated between the sidewalk and SW 6th Street, and extends along the roadway adjacent to the fence line. CRA members were concerned because the existing grass in this planting area has failed to thrive. The result is a patchy collection of grass and soil that is uneven and unpleasing to the eye. The CRA Board was concerned that the negative condition of this planting area would detract from the aesthetic value of the new fencing project. Due to the location of the planting strip, it is unlikely that the situation will improve without a considerable dedication of time and expense to the area. As an alternative, it is therefore recommended that this small grass strip be replaced with some other hardscaping material, such as brick pavers. The goal for this area is to retain the visual delineation between the sidewalk and the street, but in a manner that is both visually appealing and cost effective. At its November 7, 2007 meeting the College Park University Heights Redevelopment Board discussed this issue and at that time voted to not take any action on the replacing of the planting strip located at SW 6th Street. Staff plans to seek further guidance from the CRA on this issue and will include the item for discussion on a future agenda early next year.
Medical Facility Incentive Programs - At its May 21, 2007 meeting, the CRA requested Staff examine the potential for developing an incentive program for medical facilities. The CRA envisioned a program that would share tax increment at a level lower than the "transformational" level. Due to unresolved issues related to the Strand decision, Staff feels it is not currently prudent to develop a new TIF incentive program at this time. Staff would also like to further research the different types of medical facilities needed in this area. The SW 2nd Avenue Master Plan will also help in identifying those needs.
6th Street Rail Trail: The Trust for Public Land (TPL) and the Florida Office of Greenways and Trails (OGT) signed agreement for the purchase of the 6th Street rail corridor from CSX. TPL will acquire the corridor, which extends from the Depot Park site to approximately NW 14th Avenue, and then transfer ownership to OGT. The City of Gainesville will lease the corridor from OGT for development as a rail to trails project. The acquisition will be reviewed by the Governor and Cabinet on December 18th. OGT officials expect that the closing date for the deal will be around the end of December.
Development Agreements:
University House on 13th Street - Located at the northeast corner of Northwest 13th Street and Northwest 7th Avenue is not being negotiated due to the Strand decision.
University Corners - Located on the west side of Northwest 13th Street between University Avenue and Northwest 3rd Avenue is not being negotiated due to the Strand decision.
Project Updates:
University Avenue Improvements - The maintenance agreement is still in progress. The equipment order is moving forward and additional coordination is being made with the Public Works Department. The order has not yet been placed and is pending finalization of purchasing documents. The equipment consists of the following items: DRAB - 5 benches, 2 planters, 21 trash receptacles, 2 receptacle covers, and 2 receptacle liners. CPUH - 7 benches, 44 receptacles, 3 receptacle covers, and 3 receptacle liners. The total cost for these items is approximately $56,700. Design for the median landscaping in the CPUH and the Eastside districts is nearing completion and FDOT has received the design. CPUH reviewed the irrigation feasibility study on December 5th. The Eastside will review the median design and irrigation feasibility study on December 20th. GRU is in the process of redesigning the lighting plan for East University Avenue from Waldo Road to NE 15th Street.
Downtown Façade Grants - The CRA received four grant applications prior to the funding cycle closing on November 2, 2007. Staff is reviewing the applications and plans to submit them to DRAB for review in December. The amount of grant funding to be awarded is approximately $20,000.
Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Underground Initiatives - The Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Underground Initiatives, approved April 24, 2006, is a Community Redevelopment Agency partnership with GRU for underground conversion projects in the FAPS district. Brown & Cullen has completed preliminary engineering work for the CRA for the entire NW 5th Avenue Streetscape project. Public Works has listed this project along with other CRA projects for consultant selection developed and sent to Purchasing. CRA will be involved in the selection process for the consultants for the CRA projects. Once the consultants are ranked for various projects or group of like projects, the service contract for each project will be negotiated. The preliminary design data will help facilitate the proposed phase 4 streetscape project, which runs from NW 6th Street to NW 10th Street. $160,966 was budgeted in the FY 2008 Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Amendatory Budget for streetscape improvements (W508).
NW 17th Street Sidewalk Repair -CRA staff is planning to work with the Public Works Department to create a scope of work for repairs.
SW 5th Avenue Triangle Streetscape - CRA staff installed signs prohibiting skateboarding. Law enforcement has been informed of the need to curtail illegal skateboarding on the site, which has caused some property damage. CRA has ordered skate-stopper devices for installation on the concrete wall coping.
CPUH Powerwashing Contract - The CRA received 4 responsive proposals from vendors. Staff is currently reviewing and ranking the proposals and plans to submit the final ranking to the CPUH board in January followed by the CRA in February.
Revisions to CRA Wide Streetscape Standards - Staff has reviewed the initial re-draft from Bellomo-Herbert and will be requesting changes to develop the final document. The Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Advisory Board planned to review the draft changes at its December meeting.
NW Fifth Avenue Streetscape - On September 13, 2007, the city purchasing Division solicited bids for the NW 5th Avenue 300-600 block streetscape Project construction. Four Firms responded with bids. Anglin construction Co. was the lowest, responsible bidder for $387, 370. Anglin Construction will have 30 days to start construction after the receipt of Notice to Proceed, which was issued December 10, 2007 ; then 90 days to complete the construction. A Pre construction meeting will be held December 10, 2007 at the New Blount Center Room DC 08 at 5:30 with City Staff, Santa Fe Community College and Anglin Construction in attendance to answer questions from the property owners, business owners and all other interested parties.
Professional Design Services - Staff is preparing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). At this time, staff is adding language required by the CRA attorney. The anticipated RFQ release timeframe is the end of December.
The Renaissance Lights on University from Waldo to SE 15th Street - Since SR 20 and SR 26 are State roads, the Department of Transportation required a permit application from the city, which is in process. The Renaissance lights have arrived; DOT is requiring additional foot-candles for the roadway, which will result in ordering longer arms for the Renaissance lights. GRU requested that the Manufacture Lumec provide a lighting analysis to meet the required foot candles necessary for proper road way lighting mandated by DOT. Once DOT has finalized the permit, the removal of the concrete light poles will be scheduled.
Cotton Club - The grant agreement has been signed by the Cotton Club Museum and Cultural Center Inc., for the release of the $25,000 for the Perryman's Grocery Store project and is being routed for signature by the CRA.
ERAB Façade Grants - At its October 18, 2007 meeting the ERAB approved extending the application deadline until January 31 2008. This will provide business owners ample time to complete the application and obtain a contractor and plans for the Façade Grant.
NW 1st Avenue Lighting - On March 18, 2002, the CRA Board approved the purchase of the four Domus fixtures and approved the project at a price not-to-exceed $10,000. Since that time, the project has not been implemented. Concerns relating to parking at the adjacent fraternity house as well as potential future sidewalk installation prevented the project from moving forward. Recently, the University of Florida Foundation has inquired as to the status of the project. Staff and GRU have met onsite to examine the technical details involved with the project. At its November 7, 2008 meeting the CPUH Redevelopment Advisory Board approved the installation of the five Domus fixtures.
Tumblin Creek Watershed Management Plan - The CRA has been working with the Public Works Department and Jones Edmunds and Associates on the development of a district wide stormwater management plan for University Heights and Tumblin Creek watershed. At the September 5, 2007 College Park/University Heights (CPUH) Redevelopment Advisory Board authorized creation of a sub-committee and appointed Member Fleming, and citizen Bruce DeLaney to serve on this subcommittee. The subcommittee's sole purpose was to finalize recommendations on the Tumblin Creek Watershed Management Plan and to recommend future scopes of works. Jones Edmunds and Associates (JEA) have completed the Tumblin Creek watershed report. This important planning document outlines the stormwater issues and opportunities in the area and provides the Advisory Board with options to consider funding to address stormwater issues in the area. On October 29, 2007, the Tumblin Creek subcommittee met to review the report. They discussed the recommendations from Sections 10.3 Stormwater Utility Capital Improvements Projects; 11.2 Implementation Projects; and 11.3 Policy Change and Research of the report. The subcommittee agreed to individually rank all the recommended projects and then convene another subcommittee meeting to collectively rank the projects.
Southeast Gainesville Redevelopment Initiative -CRA and Planning Staff have met with Wilson-Miller regarding a SEGRI special area plan/overlay. Wilson-Miller has advised that it will take approximately 60 days to craft this document. From that point, Staff would then need to take the plan to the City Plan Board and then to the City Commission for approval. If this approval is granted, Staff, along with the City Attorney, would draft an Ordinance to adopt the plan. This ordinance would then require a first and second hearing before the City Commission. Staff estimates that this approval process will take four to six months. In order to keep the community informed of SEGRI progress, Staff is working to organize a council of community leaders. The first meeting of this group should occur shortly.
Gainesville Responsible Hospitality Partnership - The GRHP currently has thirty-two (32) bar/restaurant members.
CPUH and Downtown Parking Studies - The CRA has received nine bids. During the week of December 10th, these bids will be reviewed by a selection committee comprised of CRA and Public Works representatives. Oral presentations, if necessary, will also occur in December. Staff will provide a more detailed summary of the selection process at the next CRA meeting.
Fiscal Note
None at this time.
Executive Director to the CRA: Accept this update from staff.