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File #: 001932    Version: 0 Name: Pleasant Street/Fifth Avenue Task Force Report (B)
Type: Staff Recommendation Status: Passed
File created: 10/8/2001 In control: Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Redev Adv Bd
On agenda: Final action: 10/8/2001
Title: Pleasant Street/Fifth Avenue Task Force Report (B)
Attachments: 1. 001932_Fuding Pattern_20011008, 2. 001932Final Report Pleasant Street Fifth Avenue Task Force_20011008


Pleasant Street/Fifth Avenue Task Force Report (B)



On November 14, 2000, Santa Fe Community College filed demolition permit applications for two houses it had recently acquired in the Pleasant Street Historic District.  Both houses are contributing structures to the historic district.  Santa Fe has not yet filed applications for Certificates of Appropriateness for the two demolitions, which are required before these (or any contributing structures in an historic district) could be demolished.


On January 9, 2001, the Historic Preservation Board discussed that the two demolition permit applications had been filed.  The board was aware that no applications for Certificates of Appropriateness had yet been filed.  The board approved a motion to request that the City Commission impose a six-month moratorium on demolitions of contributing structures in the Pleasant Street Historic District.


On February 12, 2001 and February 26, 2001, the City Commission considered and discussed the issues.  On February 26, 2001, the City Commission created the Pleasant Street/Fifth Avenue Task Force, directed staff to work with the task force and a consultant, and requested that the Task Force report back in six months.


The Task Force, chaired by Ruth Brown, met two Monday evenings each month over six months, with their last meeting on August 20, 2001.    The Task Force heard reports about and discussed the two boarded buildings acquired by Santa Fe Community College and Santa Fe's general plans for future expansion, the other boarded buildings in the neighborhood, housing rehab work done to date on houses in the neighborhood, code enforcement in the neighborhood, the historic district applicable to Pleasant Street, and the current state of funding sources.  The Chair has developed a Task Force Final Report that incorporates strategies discussed by the Task Force as well as its two formal recommendations.


Since February 26, 2001, the CRA has hired Jesse Wiles of Asset Property Disposition, Inc, a nationally known consultant in urban housing issues, to develop a strategy for seeking additional funding sources for the Fifth Avenue and Pleasant Street neighborhoods.  Mr. Wiles will make a presentation to the CRA on October 15, 2001, recommending both funding sources and a strategy for accelerating rehabilitation of the neighborhood.


Fiscal Note

The Task Force is recommending a $5 million revolving fund.   Finance has done an initial estimate that $50,000 annually of tax increment funds over the next 20 years would allow the CRA to bond those funds and generate a revolving fund from that source alone of approximately  $640,000.   Jesse Wiles will be making recommendations to the CRA in October regarding other possible funding sources to supplement possible borrowing or bonding against tax increment funds.



The Pleasant Street/5th Avenue Task Force recommends: 1) that the City of Gainesville approach Santa Fe Community College to develop other properties now or in the future owned by Santa Fe Community College and located within the Pleasant Street Historic district in order to be in compliance with Objectives 1.4.2, 1.4.3, and 1.4.4 of the 2001 Comprehensive Plan's Historic Preservation Element (adopted on first reading); and 2) the two houses located on Northwest 4th Avenue and now owned by Santa Fe Community College, be developed within the context of the 2001 Comprehensive Plan's Historic Preservation Element Goals, Objectives and Policies, Objectives 1.4.2, 1.4.3 and 1.4.4.


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