SW 7th Exfiltration Study Engineering Contract (NB)
In the 2005 CPUH Redevelopment Plan, stormwater infrastructure was cited as a major objective for continuing redevelopment of the area. To address this, the CRA and Public Works departments hired Jones Edmunds and Associates to perform a comprehensive study of the Tumblin Creek Watershed with the purpose of identifying problem areas and outlining potential solutions to improve stormwater quantity and quality in the CPUH area. The Tumblin' Creek Watershed Management Plan (TCWMP), completed in late 2007, is a product of this study.
The TCWMP specifically identified underground storage and exfiltration of stormwater as a potential solution to providing quantity and quality attenuation in dense urban areas. The concept of creating underground vaults to collect, hold, and slowly release stormwater into the ground is rapidly becoming popular as an urban design solution. Several re-development projects in Gainesville have installed, or are planning to install, this type of system beneath building foundations where little land is available for above-ground retention ponds (i.e., Heritage Oaks and The Palms). However, despite the promising solution of an underground exfiltration system for urban stormwater design, there have been no projects to install sub-regional collection systems underneath roadways. In this type of application, an underground vault is installed beneath the roadway as part of a roadway improvements project. The system would have the ability to service stormwater for a large area that has already undergone development, before stormwater rules were implemented. This type of application has the potential to attenuate the quantity and quality of stormwater in dense urban areas that have no land available for sub-regional retention ponds.
The TCWMP listed several potential locations for exfiltration systems to be integrated in already developed areas, with the objective to address stormwater issues across the CPUH area. However, due to the limited availability of data for this type of application, Jones Edmunds and Associates suggested implementing a pilot-study to begin the incorporation of sub-regional exfiltration systems under roadways. In their report, they cited SW 7th Avenue as one of the potential exfiltration sites.
In 2007, the CRA hired JMJ Engineering to complete a feasibility study for underground exfiltration at SW 7th Ave, an area already in need of above ground roadway improvements. The impetus for selecting this site was to create a synergistic project that addressed upgrading roadway amenities (i.e., parking, lighting, sidewalks) and installation of Gainesville's first sub-regional exfiltration system. Subsequent exfiltration projects for CPUH are thus dependent upon the success of the SW 7th Ave pilot study. The results of JMJ Engineering's feasibility study indicated that the site was amenable to exfiltration of stormwater, with soil infiltration rates as high as 40 ft per day and a seasonal high groundwater table depth of 6-ft below surface. Thus the completed feasibility study was distributed to the SJRWMD for review, and a preliminary ERP (Environmental Resource Permitting) meeting was held at the district office with representatives from the CRA, Public Works Department, and JMJ Engineering.
In April 2008, the CRA was advised by Public Works to "piggyback" on an existing Public Works contract with Comprehensive Engineering Services (CES), whose sub-consultant is JMJ Engineering. The CRA followed this advice with the assumption that this would utilize a consultant who was already familiar with the project and expedite the project design schedule to meet the May 2009 construction goal. Under this contract CES would provide the roadway improvements design, while JMJ would complete the exfiltration design. In May 2008, the CRA issued CES a Purchase Order for $49,943.85.
In August 2008, CES was informed by Public Works that the contract would not be renewed and is set to expire on September 30, 2008. The work that the CRA issued CES a Purchase Order for will not be completed by September 30. Because construction for this project is scheduled to begin May 2009, when student activities in the area are less intense, and because several exfiltration projects are contingent upon the success of the pilot study, it is imperative that CES be able to continue the design for this project uninterrupted. Due to the engineering nature of the work and because work has already started, CRA staff is proposing to continue with this vendor as a Specified Source Vendor rather than going through a qualifications process and executing a new contract and new PO between the CRA and CES. The contract and PO would be effective October 1, 2008.
Fiscal Note
$271,000 has been budgeted in account 9999-618-W734 - 7th Ave Improvements for both road improvements and stormwater study. The CRA project number is CPUH-05.02-IF-2008.
Executive Director to the CRA: 1) Approve CES as a Specified Source Vendor to complete 7th Ave Exfiltration Study project; 2) authorize the Executive Director, or his designee, to execute a new contract with an effective date of October 1, 2008.