Request for Support of the Cosmos Film Festival (B)
This is a request for $3,500 to support the Cosmos International Film and Video Game Festival.
In December of 2004, Ms. Gloria Rozier requested $15,000 from the City Commission to establish a film festival. She was referred to the then Department of Cultural Affairs and the Gainesville Alachua County Cultural Affairs Board for assistance. Along with other technical assistance, it was explained to Ms. Rozier that in order to be considered for funding, her organization needed to be established as a non-profit. That status was achieved, and in April 2005, Ms. Rozier was informed that her organization was now eligible to apply for an Arts Tag grant. These grants are capped at $3,500.
Mr. Rozier has kept staff informed over the past year as to the planning and development of the Film Festival and at one point did inquire about submitting an Arts Tag grant but was informed that there were no available funds at that time. Currently there is funding available, but since that initial inquiry by Ms. Rozier, she has not taken the opportunity to formally apply.
Although applications for an Arts Tag grant can be submitted at any time, there is an approximate three week processing time frame and should Ms. Rozier submit an application at this point there would be insufficient time to consider Ms. Rozier's request prior to the start of the Film and Video Game Festival April 20, 2006. In addition, Arts Tag grants are primarily awarded to only support programming components of an event and not event social functions.
At the March 27, 2006, City Commission Meeting, Ms. Rozier requested $3,500 to host a Hospitality Suite in association with this event. An informational sheet on Film Festival Expenditures provided by Ms. Rozier shows the cost of this social event at $3,000 for food and beverages for 200 guests and $500 for the rental of a reception hall. This post Festival event will take place on Saturday night (April 22) at the conclusion of the Festival. In speaking with Ms. Rozier, she has not yet booked a facility for this function.
Ms. Rozier's information on expenditures for this event also shows that the Visitors & Convention Bureau is supporting the Film Festival by funding $1,000 in radio advertisement.
This is a first year event and according to the Cosmos website the film festival takes place at three locations, the Millhopper Library, Santa Fe Community College, and the Reitz Union from April 20-22, 2006. The schedule shows 24 films, varying in duration from five minutes to two hours in length. The cost to attendees is $75.00 for the three days.
The attached outline showing Festival expenditures was provided to the Commission at the March 27, 2006 City Commission meeting and is the only information that has been provided to staff. Additional information provided in the backup has been taken from the Cosmos International Film & Video Game Festival website.
As a final note, during a City Commission meeting held in late 2005, the Commission re-approved the Cultural Affairs Division's City of Gainesville's Guide to Grants. Included within the Guide is a recommendation that any requests made directly to the City Commission for funding relating to cultural activities or support services for community events would be referred back to the Cultural Affairs Division for review and evaluation under the appropriate grant category.
Fiscal note
Ms. Rozier has requested $3,500 to fund an "after event" social.
The City Commission deny this request for funding.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission match the $1,000 contribution of the Visitors and Convention Bureau utilizing City Commission Contingency funds.
Alternative Recommendation B: The City Commission approve Ms. Rozier's request for $3,500 to support the Film and Video Game Festival utilizing City Commission Contingency funds.