Ordinance No. 0-09-03, Petition No. 133PDV-08PB
An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; rezoning certain lands within the City, as more specifically described in this ordinance, and amending the Zoning Map Atlas from "UMU-1: Up to 75 units/acre urban mixed-use district" and "RMU: Up to 75 units/acre residential mixed use district" to "Planned Development District"; located in the vicinity of the 1700 block between NW 1st Avenue and NW 2nd Avenue; commonly known as "One College Park"; to allow construction of a mixed use development including apartment units, hotel, commercial uses, and parking garage; adopting a development plan report and development plan maps; providing conditions and restrictions; providing for enforcement and penalties; providing a severability clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
This is a request to rezone property from UMU-1 (Up to 75 units/acre urban mixed-use district) and RMU (Up to 75 units/acre residential mixed use district) to PD (Planned Development District) to allow construction of a mixed use development including a hotel and parking garage. Located in the 1700 block of Northwest 1st Avenue and Northwest 2nd Avenue.
The proposed 'One College Park' Planned Development is located on 1.7 acres of the block that is between NW 17th and 18th Street and NW 1st and 2nd Avenues. Currently, the subject property is used as a surface parking lot. This rezoning to PD would apply to that entire block, with the exception of property on the southeast corner which is the site of Hurley Hall. Hurley Hall is a former single-family house that now contains meeting rooms used by the St. Augustine Church/Catholic Student Center. The continued use of that facility will not be affected by this rezoning.
This PD will allow for construction of a maximum of 56 apartment units, a 170-room hotel, 14,000 square feet of commercial, and a central parking structure that would serve all of these uses. The parking garage is proposed for a maximum of 610 parking spaces. The southern half of the subject property currently has a UMU-1 zoning district and the northern half has an RMU zoning district. These are both mixed use districts which allow residential development up to 75 units per acre. The UMU-1 district also allows a number of commercial uses (including hotels, restaurants, retail) that are not permitted within the RMU zoning district. The subject property is also part of the College Park Special Area Plan, which regulates the form and design of development based upon 'types' designated on the special area plan map. The southern half of the property allows Type I development within the special area plan, which permits retail, office, and residential uses within buildings a maximum of 6 stories in height. The northern half of the property allows Type II development within the special area plan, which permits residential and limited office uses within buildings at a maximum height of 3.5 stories. One of the primary purposes of this request is to allow for 6 stories of development on the entire site, including the Type II area on the northern half. The One College Park PD does not propose to alter the uses that are currently permitted on the site.
Submitted for consideration are a PD report, layout map, and building elevations. The PD Report outlines proposed development standards and permitted uses within the development. The standards include regulations regarding parking, location of driveways, building uses and heights, building placement, and details such as garden walls, signage, and street treatments. The College Park Special Area Plan will remain applicable in all instances that are not specifically addressed by the PD Report, and then the requirements of the Land Development Code will apply in all other cases. A basic layout for the site is shown on the PD Layout Map, which depicts the location of the proposed uses on the site and the central parking structure.
Public notice for this petition was published in the Gainesville Sun on November 20, 2008. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on November 20, 2008.
The City Plan Board considered Petition 133PDV-08PB at a public hearing held on December 8, 2008. By a vote of 6 - 1, the City Plan Board approved the petition with amended conditions.
The City Commission, at its meeting of February 5, 2009 authorized the city attorney's office to prepare and advertise the necessary ordinance rezoning certain lands within the city to planned development commonly known as "One College Park".
Please note that Condition 18 of Section 4 requires the owner/developer to replace the existing wooden fence around Hurley Hall. However, the owner/developer has represented that they do not control this property and cannot unconditionally commit to replacing the fence. Therefore, this condition is subject to the approval of the owner of Hurley Hall. At first reading of the ordinance, the petitioner's attorney, David Coffey, offered to provide the City with some form of assurance to guarantee the replacement of the existing fence with a suitable fence that is compatible with the development. Attached to this memorandum is a letter from the Pastor of St. Augustine Church, John D. Gillespie, granting his consent to the replacement of the existing fence around Hurley Hall.
With the consent letter, the City Commission could amend the ordinance by deleting the words "If permitted by the owner of Hurley Hall..." in paragraph 18 on page 6 of the ordinance. Mr. Coffey, however, does not agree to this revision as stated in his mail to the City Attorney dated April 27, 2009, a copy of which is attached.