CRA Project Summary (B)
As a regular informational item on CRA agendas, Staff provides a brief update on selected referrals, redevelopment projects and development agreements under review. This monthly update is typically a limited sampling of the CRA's many on-going projects, as opposed to a complete list. The entire list of projects is attached as backup to this item.
CRA Wide
CRA Sustainability Policy - This project is in process.
CRA Maintenance Programs - CRA currently provides/manages maintenance activities such as pressure washing, landscaping, and street cleaning. The Downtown Board is currently examining the feasibility of using free labor from the Alachua County Corrections Dept. as an alternative to funding maintenance services in the area.
CRA Website - CRA will begin a marketing program to promote the website. Additional web content is being developed.
Awards Applications - Staff has submitted the CRA's FY 2007 Annual Report to the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) for consideration in the IEDC's Annual Awards. Staff has also submitted the rehabilitated 5th Avenue Tot Lot and the FY 2007 Annual report for the Florida Redevelopment Association (FRA) annual awards.
Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Historic Preservation Services - In March 2008, the CRA issued a request for statement of qualifications to obtain annual professional services for architecture, landscape architecture, and historic preservation. The selected firms are Zamia Design Landscape Architecture (Gainesville, FL), RBK Architects (Tampa, FL), and Jay Reeves and Associates, Inc Architecture and Design (Gainesville, FL). Examples of the types of projects that these firms will be selected for are the Model Block, streetscapes, and adaptive reuse projects.
University Avenue Medians - The construction documents for the 5 medians in CPUH and 3 medians in the Eastside, including irrigation systems, are complete. The bid documents have been prepared for release. The FDOT requested additional review after having given preliminary approval earlier this year. The FDOT review will delay the bid release 3-4 weeks. It is anticipated that the invitation to bid will be released before the end of August.
CPUH and Downtown Parking Studies -Staff is aiding the consultants in the collection of background data. Staff anticipates that the consultant team will visit Gainesville in mid-September in order to measure parking demand and conduct field observations.
Southeast Gainesville Redevelopment Initiative - Wilson-Miller presented the Special Area Plan document to the City at the May 12th City Commission meeting. Staff from the CRA, Community Development, and the City's Attorneys office are currently working together to finalize the document in order to begin the process of incorporation into the Land Development Code.
Kennedy Homes - Staff is finalizing the RFP for publication, and plans to issue the document within the next month, in conjunction with a targeted marketing campaign aimed at attracting top caliber respondents.
Hawthorne Road Properties - At the April 2008 meeting, the CRA approved the purchase of two lots on Hawthorne Rd to be redeveloped to encourage economic development in the SEGRI area. The CRA closed on the properties on June 9. A survey has been completed and internal site analysis is underway.
Renaissance Lights on University from Waldo to SE 15th Street -Work has begun on installing the Renaissance poles on E. University Avenue adjacent to the existing concrete poles, which will be removed once the 6ft arms have arrived from the vendor and installed.
Cotton Club - The rehabilitation effort is still underway and is taking place in three phases; stabilizing the main building, rehabilitating the surrounding shotgun houses and grocery store and building new structures for additional classroom space. The rebuilding of the foundation is complete. Architects will be interviewed for the Grocery store in the month of July. A new roof has been installed. Framing of the structure is also in progress. The 2nd Annual Juneteenth Festival & Juried Art Show was held at Lincoln Park June 14 &15, 2008. This event was produced by the Cotton Club and funded by the Alachua County Convention & Visitors Bureau.
Eastside Gateway Project - On this agenda.
Exterior Paint Program- Implementation of the Exterior Paint Improvement Grant Program was approved at the June 2008 CRA meeting.
Lynch Park - Survey and design work is currently underway at Lynch Park. Staff anticipates that this work will take approximately 30 days to complete. Therefore, Staff hopes to bid this project for construction during the fall, and begin construction shortly thereafter. Staff will bring this item back to the CRA for an in-depth presentation at the September meeting.
Downtown Community Plaza - Staff is currently formulating strategies for improvements to the Downtown Community Plaza. Working with DRAB, staff is examining the issues and opportunities at play, and is also examining how the Plaza compares to examples of healthy, vibrant public spaces found in other cities. Once Plaza improvement strategies have been formalized, Staff will provide a full presentation to the CRA
Bethel Station - In conjunction with the Plaza improvements listed above, staff is also moving forward with Bethel revitalization. This month, the CRA plans to issue an RFP soliciting potential businesses for this site. Staff will provide a comprehensive summary on this project at a future CRA meeting.
GRU Redevelopment - Progress continues on the Master Plan. The consultant team from Lord Aeck Sargent has now met with multiple stakeholder groups to provide information as well as to gain additional input and insight related to the project.
Hampton Inn/Lot 9 Redevelopment - Construction is currently underway; foundation work is complete and the structure is now going vertical. It is anticipated that the project will be complete and the hotel will be operational by July 2009.
Jefferson on 2nd Avenue - Construction is nearing completion. The CRA Engineer is working with developers to ensure that CRA standards are well reflected in the finished product.
The Palms - Construction on this condominium project is nearing completion. The CRA Engineer is working closely with the developer and the construction team to ensure that CRA standards are met and that the finished product is of high quality.
Porters Neighborhood Improvements -on this agenda
Cade Museum - The Cade museum organizers announced selection of Depot Park as the museum construction site. The organizers, staff from Carol Johnson and Associates, and CRA staff met on August 5, 2008 to discuss planning strategy for the development of the museum and Depot Park as a unified project. A presentation was given to the SPROUT Task Force concerning these announcements.
Bus Shelters - On this agenda.
Gainesville Responsible Hospitality Partnership - After reviewing the latest underage violation statistics from GPD, GRHP re-evaluated membership eligibility. Rue Bar and Rehab, which were previously on probation, still exceed the underage violations limit. These bars remain on probation and are now also joined by Gator City, Grog House, Jewell's, and The Swamp - which all exceeded 12 underage violations in the 1st quarter. GRHP continues to work with UF Student Government and with Greek students to formalize support for the Partnership. GRHP will also be reaching out to other student and professional groups at UF.
CRA Streetscape Design Standards- Bellomo-Herbert has finalized the revisions to the standards. Staff is reviewing changes with the advisory boards and making revisions.
University Avenue Improvements - The FDOT Maintenance Agreement has been completed and is being reviewed by FDOT. Application has also been made for the FDOT general use permit. The construction work plan is being implemented. It is anticipated that execution and installation of the first improvements (waste cans and benches) will take place in late-August. The improvements extend from NW 20th Terrace to Waldo Road.
Depot Rail Trail - JMJ Consulting Engineering is developing a feasibility study and alternative concepts for trail widening. Public Works, GRU, and CRA staff met to discuss the concepts and evaluate concerns. Refinement to the concepts and a review of permit requirements are currently taking place.
Tumblin Creek Watershed Management Plan - The Tumblin Creek Watershed Management Plan (TCWMP) was completed in late 2007. Currently, staff is working on the implementation strategy of the plan. Projects listed within the plan have been prioritized, and staff is initiating the top priority project, SW 7th Ave exfiltration.
SW 2nd Avenue Master Plan - CPUH continues to pursue a comprehensive vision for redevelopment along the SW 2nd Avenue corridor. The goal of this initiative is to formulate a plan that is based on a thorough understanding of the market forces and infrastructure issues that will impact redevelopment. Staff is currently examining the possibility of new partners to help guide this process.
SW 7th Ave Exfiltration Basin and Improvements - CRA staff is working to issue a purchase order for CES, Inc. to develop designs for the underground exfiltration basin and above ground roadway and streetscape improvements along the SW 7th Ave corridor. This contract will be piggybacked off of the Public Works continuing services contract with CES.
SW 13th Street Pedestrian Overpass Enhancement Design - On this agenda
Rails-to-Trails Signage - The City Commission has adopted the CRA's design for guide signage for the City's rail trail system. CRA is currently designing the mounting system and design specifications.
FAPS Redevelopment Plan - The FAPS Redevelopment Plan was formally approved by the City Commission on July 28, 2008.
NW 5th Avenue Streetscape - The streetscape project is completed. The final inspection of the project by Public works, the CRA, and Anglin Construction was completed on April 25, 2008. Anglin Construction has installed new sidewalks, brick pavers, street and pedestrian lights. CRA staff has requested that Public Works perform some cosmetic repairs on the curb faces, which has been completed. A ribbon cutting ceremony is anticipated for July 24, 2008.
University House - Construction is underway, with the first phase of buildings nearing completion. The CRA engineer is working closely with the developer and the construction team to ensure that CRA standards are fulfilled.
5th Avenue Mixed-Use Project (Union Academy Building) - The rendering was approved by the CRA and the Fifth Avenue Advisory Board. Staff is currently reviewing options to be presented later this summer or early fall.
NW 6th Street Rail Trail - Public Works and CRA staff are collaborating on this project, which involves the design and construction of the 6th Street rail trail from South Main Street to approximately NW 14th Avenue. CRA will participate mainly on the design of the project. The trail project spans the Downtown, CPUH, and FAPS redevelopment districts.
A. Quinn Jones House - This house is located at 1013 NW 7th Avenue. Staff is in the preliminary process of recommending that the A. Quinn Jones House be placed on the National Register of Historic places. The text for the State marker has been written and submitted.
Fiscal Note
None at this time
Executive Director to CRA: 1) Receive project update from staff.