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File #: 041021    Version: 0 Name: Downtown Plaza (NB)
Type: Discussion Item Status: Filed
File created: 2/28/2005 In control: City Manager
On agenda: Final action: 2/28/2005
Title: Downtown Plaza (NB)
Downtown Plaza (NB)
The Interim City Manager appointed the Downtown Plaza Task Team and tasked them with reviewing the current physical condition of the Downtown Plaza and recommending modifications to improve the physical appearance.
The Team identified the following issues within the Plaza:
Landscaping issues
* Dead grass
* Lack of diverse plants
* Overgrowth
* Visibility diminished by trees/plants
Hardscaping Issues:
* Condition of benches
* Lack of walkways
* Broken fixtures in bathrooms
* Difficulty in keeping bathrooms clean
* Lack of decorative hardscaping items
* Cages on brick structure at the RTS benches collect trash
Maintenance Issues:
* Lack of unified maintenance
* Inadequate maintenance frequency
* Diverse allocation of resources
* Overlapping areas of responsibility
   Restroom Hours of Operation:
* Opened at 7:30 am by Parks staff Monday - Friday
* Cleaned twice a day during weekdays by Facilities Management
* Locked at 6:00 pm by RTS staff Monday - Friday
* Daily weekend cleaning by private contractor via CRA contract
The Plaza currently operates under a diversified management, in which various agencies and departments have overlapping jurisdictional responsibilities. Many of the agencies and departments perform similar tasks, but in different capacities. This approach seems to stretch limited resources, and also makes it increasingly difficult to quantify the effect that this work has on the Plaza.
It is the recommendation of the Team that one Department take responsibility for the overall upkeep and maintenance of the Plaza and all the associated improvements.  It is further a recommendation of the Team that there be an Ambassador of sorts provided by the City, whose responsibility would be to provide oversight of the Plaza to ensure it is kept clean and is available to interact with visitors.  A unified management structure would improve the information flow between the departments, eliminate duplicated efforts, and optimize the efforts of all agencies involved.
The Community Redevelopment Agency's (CRA) role in redeveloping and revitalizing the downtown area and extent of their interaction with the Downtown community makes them the strongest potential candidate to adopt the role of the management entity; however, the CRA would require funding or staff from the city to provide the physical services currently provided.   Plans are to address this issue through future staff assignment changes.  
Recommended improvements are as follows:
1. Lighting   
2. Bathroom Renovation
3. Hardscape Bench Area
4. Upgrade Benches
5. Grass Replacement
6. Hanging Planters
7. Diversify Plaza Plants
8. Replace cages at RTS bus benches with round knobs
9.  Public Art
10. Electrical Upgrade
In separate efforts, the Downtown Redevelopment Advisory Board is developing a plan to clean and brighten the Downtown area with a focus on the connection between the Southwest Downtown Parking Garage and the Downtown Core and the CRA staff is developing the programming aspects of the Downtown Plaza.  
Fiscal Note
Funding for the outlined improvements has been appropriated in the bond proceeds for FY 05.  The Electrical Upgrade is included in the recently approved bond issue.  
The City Commission hear a report from the Interim Assistant City Manager.

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