Ordinance No. 0-06-69, Petition No. 37PDV-06PB
An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; rezoning certain lands in the City, as more specifically described in this Ordinance, and amending the Zoning Map Atlas from the zoning category of "MU-1: 8-30 units/acre mixed use low intensity" to the zoning category of "Planned Development District"; located in the vicinity of 2337 Southwest Archer Road, as more specifically described in this Ordinance; adopting a development plan report and development plan maps; providing conditions and restrictions; providing for enforcement and penalties; providing a severability clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
The subject property consists of approximately 9.15 acres. Old Archer Road abuts the subject property on the north, and immediately north of Old Archer Road is Southwest Archer Road (SR 24). A single-family residence and University of Florida agriculture facilities are located on abutting parcels to the south. Southwest 23rd Street abuts on the east. A warehousing and distribution facility is located immediately west.
Gatorwood Apartments, a vacant multi-family residential development, currently occupies the subject property. The applicant would like to demolish the Gatorwood Apartments development and replace it with a new, mixed-use residential development. According to the applicant's attached PD Report entitled, "Gatorwood Apartments: Planned Development Report" and PD Layout Plan Map, the proposed development will involve the construction of a multi-story building with a maximum height of 70 feet. The building will include multi-family residential units up to 40 dwelling units per acre. The building will also include office space, retail space and an internal parking facility. Other proposed features include stormwater facilities, landscape/open space areas, sidewalks, and a new bus shelter.
According to the applicant, the PD zoning designation will allow the use of innovative design features in redeveloping the subject property as a mixed-use residential development. The applicant has also expressed that the PD zoning designation, in association with the requested PUD land use designation, will allow redevelopment of the subject property at a higher density than currently allowed, in order to accommodate a growing population within the University of Florida, Shands Hospital and the Veteran's Administration Hospital area.
The City Plan Board considered the above-referenced petition, at a public hearing held May 18, 2006. By a vote of 4-0, the City Plan Board approved Petition 37PDV-06PB with staff conditions, and modified Condition 14 of the staff report to read as follows: The total number of vehicle parking spaces provided shall not exceed one per bedroom. The City Plan Board also recommended that the owner/developer try to orient the retail portion of the proposed development toward Old Archer Road.
Public notice was published in the Gainesville Sun on May 2, 2006. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on May 3, 2006.