Tenth Amendment to the Contract for Professional Consulting Services for the East Gainesville Sprout Project (B)
This Amendment is for additional work performed by Environmental Consulting Technology, Inc. related to the "Sprout" project for the site analyses, development plans and specifications, and services during construction for Phase 1 (West Pond). This Amendment is necessary to adjust the budget for professional services to include work completed to date, and to allow for completion of a variety of tasks presented on the summary. This adjustment shifts the project allocated budget between tasks where under/over runs were experienced.
Highlights of the summary are as follows: 1) Task 1.2.7 - Special Consultation was created to identify all work related to responding to oversight agency comments after submitting the Feasibility and Risk Assessment documents. At this time, it appears Agency approvals have been obtained; 2) Task 4 - Work involved with the preparation of the Remedial Action Plan (RAP) exceeded the estimates prepared during 1999 due to the complexity of developing alternate soil contamination target levels for the site for incorporation into the plan. GRU has included in Task 4.1.1 some RAP work necessary for the Poole Roofing site in this contract due to the present plan to lump the remediation of the Poole and former CSX sites together; 3) Task 5 - Increases for GRU are necessary to complete the geotechnical work to support final remedial design on the Poole site. Increases for the stormwater utility are necessary to complete the basin design and permitting as well as for oversight services for the Phase 1 portion of the work. Oversight services include contingency funding for the consultant if additional contamination is uncovered during Phase 1 construction. City forces will be responsible for day-to-day inspections and documentation of work progression; 4) Tasks 6 and 7 - These increases are judged necessary to complete the design phases of the project; and 5) Tasks 8 and 9 - These increases are the best estimates on the level of effort necessary to deal with minor amounts of contamination material found in the off-site drainage ditch and to provide a contingency fund for unanticipated future requirements.
Fiscal Note
Gainesville Regional Utilities will be responsible for $123,092 of the total, and General Government/ Stormwater Utility will be responsible for the balance of $123,348. These adjustments bring the revised purchase order amount to $1,926,079. Funds are available in both General Government/Stormwater Utility, the State Revolving Fund sources, and the Gainesville Regional Utilities Gas System budgets for this work.
The City Commission: 1) authorize issuance of the Tenth Amendment to the contract with Environmental Consulting Technology, Inc. in the amount of $246,440; 2) approve amending the purchase order to Environmental Consulting Technology, Inc., to a not to exceed amount of $1,926,079; and 3) authorize the Interim City Manager to execute all documents related to these authorizations for the project.