Responses to RFP for Supplemental Shelter and Services (B)
At the July 24, 2006 City Commission meeting, the City Commission authorized staff to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from local providers to provide additional shelter and services to address the needs of the homeless during the upcoming winter months. Responses to the RFP were received on October 20, 2006, and are now presented to the City Commission for consideration.
Staff was authorized on July 24, 2006 to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from local providers to provide additional shelter and services to address the needs of the homeless during the upcoming winter months (December 2006 - March 2007). The RFP was issued on October 2, 2006, with a response date of October 20, 2006. The responses to the RFP are now being presented to the City Commission for consideration.
Two proposals were received in response to the RFP. The Alachua County Housing Authority (ACHA) proposed a hotel/motel voucher program wherein ACHA would issue vouchers to qualified homeless persons to stay at selected area hotels/motels on designated cold nights. Currently, cold nights are defined as nights when the predicted low temperature is 45°F or lower. This proposal was to provide this shelter for up to 25 people per night.
The second proposal was submitted by St. Francis House, which could house up to 60 persons in addition to its current capacity of 35 persons on designated cold nights (45°F or lower). This version of cold night shelter would be provided at the current St. Francis House location.
The rankings based on the evaluation of these proposals are included in the back-up. Copies of the complete RFP and the proposals from the two providers are on file in the Purchasing Division.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission has budgeted $25,000 in the FY 2007 General Fund budget for the provision of supplemental shelter and services for the homeless. An additional $25,000 is available for this or other homeless services and facilities, including the proposed one-stop center.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission receive a report on responses to the City's RFP for supplemental shelter and services. In an effort to promote the dispersal of services and avoid concentration in the downtown area, staff recommends awarding contracts to both St. Francis House and the Alachua County Housing Authority with $25,000 to be shared equally.
Alternate Recommendation A: The City Commission receive a report on responses to the City's RFP for supplemental shelter and service and defer action.