Pay Study Special Job Audits (B)
Following the announcement of the January 2004 Pay Study results, employees were allowed to appeal those results based on the following: 1) my position title is in the wrong pay grade; or 2) my position title does not reflect what I do.
Of the more than thirteen hundred (1,300) employees covered by the pay study, one hundred and sixty-six (166) filed Special Appeals. One hundred and thirty-six (136) were CWA-represented employees and thirty (30) were Managerial, Administrative and Professional (MAP) employees.
The Interest-based Bargaining Team (IBBT) closely reviewed the information on each appeal that was submitted by CWA-represented employees and the Pay Study Team reviewed the information on each appeal that was submitted by the MAP employees.
It was determined that only twenty-two (22) CWA appeals and thirteen (13) MAP appeals should be granted special job audits. Each employee was notified in writing of the disposition of his/her appeal.
The IBBT agreed that Human Resources should conduct the twenty-two (22) job audits for the CWA- represented positions. The previous City Manager determined that Dr. Felix Lopez, Industrial Psychologist, should conduct the thirteen (13) job audits on the MAP positions since the Human Resources employee conducting the CWA audits had filed a MAP appeal.
Summary of findings:
Of the twenty-two (22) CWA job audits conducted, it was determined the job duties of only nine (9) employees were not reflected in their current job descriptions and should be reclassified. In accordance with City Personnel Policies and Procedures, Policy Number 3, the reclassifications of the five (5) employees that were two pay grades or less will be handled administratively. The remaining four (4) reclassifications require approval of the Personnel & Organizational (P&O) Committee and the City Commission. The P&O Committee approved the reclassifications on May 3, 2005 and agreed to forward this recommendation to the City Commission for consideration.
Of the thirteen (13) MAP job audits conducted, it was determined the job duties of only six (6) employees were not reflected in their current job descriptions and should be reclassified. In accordance with City Personnel Policies and Procedures, Policy Number 3, the reclassification of one (1) employee that was two pay grades or less will be handled administratively. The remaining five (5) reclassifications require approval of the Personnel & Organizational (P&O) Structure Committee and the City Commission. The P&O Structure Committee approved the reclassifications on May 3, 2005 and agreed to forward this recommendation to the City Commission for consideration.
The special appeal audits are retroactive to January 4, 2004. Normally, job audits are effective beginning the first day of the pay period following the date of approval and are not retroactive. However, due to the fact that job audits had been held for three years prior to January 2004, it was agreed in the CWA labor agreement that the special appeal audits would be retroactive to January 4, 2004, if the employee was performing the work identified by the reclassification as of January 4, 2004. To assure equity, it is recommended that the professional employees be treated the same. The retroactive pay for these special appeal audits is not to be construed to set a new policy or procedure, and future job audits will return to normal practice of being effective as of the first day of the pay period following the date of approval.
As a result of the CWA/MAP "Special" Job Audit Appeal Process, the Personnel & Organizational Structure Committee recommends that the City Commission approve the following reclassifications:
CWA Special Job Audit Appeals
1. Program Assistant, CWA Grade FF - ($28,810 - $35,616) to Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator, MAP Grade EXC - ($32,733 - $45,008).
2. Storekeeper I, CWA Grade CC - ($21,645 - $26,759) to Police Property Specialist, CWA Grade GG - ($31,691 - $39,178).
3. Nature Assistant, CWA Grade CC - ($21,645 - $26,759) to Marketing Technician, CWA Grade I - ($34,526 - $42,637).
4. Power Systems Control Specialist, Sr., CWA Grade N - ($49,567 - $61,210) to Systems Programmer, MAP Grade EXK - ($59,194 - $81,391).
MAP Special Job Audit Appeals
1. Graphic Coordinator, MAP Grade EXF - ($40,664 - $55,914) to new title of GIS Supervisor, MAP Grade EXG - ($43,714 - $60,107).
2. Planning Assistant, MAP Grade EXA - ($28,325 - $38,947) to new title of GIS Specialist, MAP Grade EXD - ($35,188 - $48,383).
3. Transit Supervisor, MAP Grade EXB - ($30,450 - $41,868) to Trainer, MAP Grade EXE - ($37,827 - $52,013).
4. Transit Supervisor, MAP Grade EXB - ($30,450 - $41,868) to new title of Transit Operations Supervisor, MAP Grade EXC - ($32,733 - $45,008).
5. Transit Services Coordinator, MAP Grade EXC - ($32,733- $45,008) to new title of RTS Marketing & Communications Specialist, MAP Grade EXE - ($37,827 - $52,013).
Fiscal Impact
The combined fiscal impact to reclassify the four (4) CWA represented employees is $5,659.96. Additionally, the combined fiscal impact to reclassify the five (5) MAP employees is $9,999.49. Adequate funds were appropriated during the FY 05-06 budget process in the General Fund Personal Services Contingency account to cover these pay adjustments.
The City Commission approve the above-mentioned reclassifications.