SW 5th Avenue Triangle Construction Documents (B)
The SW 5th Avenue triangle is located at the corner of Southwest 13th Street and Southwest 5th Avenue. The University of Florida owns approximately fifty percent of the triangle and approximately fifty percent is owned by the City of Gainesville. The CRA previously approved a conceptual design and project budget for the triangle. Applicable University of Florida committees have since approved the conceptual design.
With the approval of the conceptual design, staff moved forward on developing construction documents with consultant Buford Davis and Associates. Mr. Davis has prepared the attached documents showing the final layout and landscaping/amenities plan. The main changes from the originally approved concept include the removal of the mid-block crossing, additional seating areas and a placeholder for future public art and/or neighborhood signage. Finally, the final plans call for the removal of a live oak tree in poor condition on the University of Florida owned side of the triangle. The City Arborist and the University Arborist, as well as the University of Florida Lakes, Vegetation and Landscaping Subcommittee have approved this removal. The remaining live oak trees will be retained and will actually receive more protection in the new design.
The remaining element yet to be approved is the public art and/or signage element. The College Park/University Heights Redevelopment Advisory Board will make future recommendations regarding this element, which will be brought back to the Community Redevelopment Agency and applicable University of Florida committees for final approval.
The College Park/University Heights Redevelopment Advisory Board also recommended that the site include electric, water and sewer for the purpose of housing a small vendor. Staff and the consultant have researched this issue further and have determined that an electrical meter from a previous vendor is on site and would be accessible to a vendor, and a water line will be available. However, a sewer line is not easily accessible, accessing the line would require reconstruction of part of Southwest 5th Avenue and would be difficult to connect to the site and would likely not be necessary for any proposed vendor operation.
With the approval of this revised design, the consultant will finalize the construction documents and staff will prepare the project for bid.
Fiscal note
$204,225 has been previously allocated towards the SW 5th Avenue triangle project, including an additional $10,000 for public art.
College Park University Heights Redevelopment Advisory Board to the CRA: 1) Approve the final construction documents and 2) provide electricity, water and sewer at the site in preparation of a future vendor.
Executive Director to the CRA: 1) Approve the final construction documents and 2) provide electricity and water at the site but do not provide a sewer, in preparation of a future vendor.