Purchases for Energy Conservation Programs (NB)
Staff requests authorizing the General Manager to purchase goods and/or services necessary for establishing or modifying energy conservation programs which do not to exceed $100,000.
Prior to FY 2007 and 2008, the City Commission authorized the General Manager to purchase goods and services for energy conservation measures approved in those respective annual budgets in amounts not exceeding $100,000. The purpose of the request was to facilitate the implementation of energy conservation measures by obtaining approval for all projects in each fiscal year. The approval enabled staff to expedite establishing energy conservation programs that would require prior City Commission approval. All purchases were made in accordance within established policies and procedures.
The City Commission approved the continuation of energy conservation programs in the FY 2009 budget for the purpose of continuing the reduction of energy and demand. In order to implement and maintain conservation programs with flexibility to meet customer needs, staff requests authorizing the General Manager, or his designee to approve these programs without additional City Commission approval. No single purchase will exceed $100,000 and all purchases will be procured in accordance with established purchasing policies and procedures. Purchases exceeding $50,000 will be included on the monthly purchases reported to the City Commission. Staff will request City Commission approval for any purchase exceeding $100,000.
The City Commission 1) waive the requirement for City Commission approval for budgeted energy conservation programs which do not exceed $100,000; 2)authorize the General Manager, or his designee, to negotiate and execute contracts for budgeted energy conservation programs which do not exceed $100,000 in accordance with established Purchasing policies and procedures, subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality; and 3) approve the issuance of purchase orders for required goods and services to various vendors for these programs, in amounts not exceeding $100,000.
Fiscal Note
Funds for this request are included in the Utilities Budget for FY 2009 and will be requested in future fiscal years.
Prepared by William J. Shepherd, Energy & Business Services Manager
Submitted by Robert E. Hunzinger, General Manager