Refer the Discussion on the Draft Land Development Code (LDC) to the General Policy Committee (NB)
This is a request for the City Commission to refer a discussion on the Draft Land Development Code (LDC) to the General Policy Committee. Discussion topics will include the upcoming public hearing timing, an update on proposed improvements to the document as a result of review by the Office of the City Attorney and the Department of Doing, and soliciting feedback from the City Commission.
The LDC has undergone a recent review by the Office of the City Attorney and the Department of Doing. The initial start of the update of the code was in 2012.
With a focus on creating a development code that is citizen and user friendly, we are crafting a code that is understandable to users regardless of the frequency of their interaction with the document. We are seeking the opportunity to share this vision with the Commission and solicit additional ideas on how to improve what we have created based on extensive stakeholder engagement. Our work has been based on improving the (document) user experience while being true to the tenets of community expectations for the built environment.
Examples of changes that have been made include:
• Placing all appeal provisions in one section
• Standardizing advisory board/commission language
• Inserting graphics to illustrate code provisions
• Amending “planner speak” to common usage phrasing
• Grouping all residential standards in one location
• Removing application form requirements, replacing with commission approval of forms
• Standardized how distance is measured
• Standardized language regarding “days” with regard to processing timing or appeals
In addition, the staff is seeking Commission input on new additions or revisions to the LDC that are being proposed as part of initiatives that are underway or are being proposed to further the purpose of creating a comprehensively vetted code. Examples of these types of changes include amending food truck regulations to allow food trucks in more districts, allowing the encroachment of balconies into the right of way in the downtown and allowing public parks in all residential zone districts.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission refer the discussion on the draft Land Development Code (LDC) to the General Policy Committee.