Contract for the Construction of a Driveway into the Wacahoota Archery Range (B)
Request for bids were sent out by the Administrative Division of the Recreation & Parks Department for construction of a driveway into the undeveloped Archery Range property located at the intersection of Wacahoota Road and SR 121. Three (3) vendors attended the pre-bid conference held on January 12, 2004. All bids were evaluated on price, references and ability to meet the project deadline. Based on these criteria, WCC Site Development was ranked number one at a price of $42,800.
This was the second bid process for the project. The first bid process was awarded to Winston Smith Construction with a contract date of November 7, 2003. The Purchase Order delayed until November 19, 2003, due to Winston Smith's lack of meeting insurance requirements. Staff contacted Mr. Smith the first week of December to inquire as to when the work would begin. Mr. Smith indicated that he would begin the project starting the week of December 8, 2003; however, Mr. Smith failed to begin work on the project. On December 31, 2003, a letter was sent both certified and regular mail to Mr. Smith informing him of the City's intent to withdraw the contract for this project. To date, the City has received no response from Mr. Smith. In addition to the letter, staff has tried on numerous occasions to reach Mr. Smith without success.
The project's delay has cost the City additional monies in lease payments to the airport to keep the existing range open past the end of its lease. Staff requested, and the City Manager approved, waiving the sealed competitive bid process to speed up the deadline for submittals of bids by two weeks to make the January 26, 2004 City Commission meeting.
Fiscal Note
Monies are available in the Recreation and Parks Budget special account for the relocation of the Archery Range.
The City Commission: 1) award the contract for the construction of a driveway into the Wacahoota Archery Range to WCC Site Development; and 2) approve the issuance of a purchase order in the amount of $42,800.