Bid Award - Rail Trail Downtown Connector Construction (B)
The Downtown Connector is the northerly extension of the Hawthorne Rail Trail that currently ends at Boulware Springs Park. The Downtown Connector will bring the paved trail to a location just east of the Depot Park Trail Spur. The 6th Street Rail Trail will ultimately continue this trail across S. Main Street, north to NW 23rd Avenue.
On April 19, 2005, the Purchasing Division solicited bids from 486 prospective bidders. There were 17 plan holders. Three (3) responses were received. O'Steen Brothers, Inc., of Gainesville, Florida, submitted the lowest responsive bid of $644,752.55.
The budget for the Trail was originally developed in 1997 in conjunction with the Transportation Enhancement Project application submitted to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Under a Local Assistance Program agreement with the FDOT, the City will be reimbursed $490,000. The City appropriated $480,000 for this project in the 2002 First Florida Governmental Financing Commission (FFGFC) Bond Series. In addition $655,000 was allocated for the 6th Street Rail Corridor. An additional $412,729 remains in the CSX 6th Street Project account from the 1996 Series FFGFC. Approximately $271,310 has been expended for right-of-way acquisition costs which will be reimbursed to the City upon the State's acquisition of the 6th Street Rail corridor.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available in the Rails-to-Trails capital accounts in Fund 328.
The City Commission: 1) award the contract for the construction of the Downtown Connector Rail Trail to O'Steen Brothers, Inc.; 2) authorize the Interim City Manager or designee to execute the contract, subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality; 3) authorize the use of up to $300,000 from the 6th Street Corridor Rail Trail Project for the Downtown Connector Rail Trail Project construction; and 4) authorize the issuance of a purchase order to O'Steen Brothers, Inc., in the amount of $644,752.55.