Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan - "Private Fundraising to Support Gainesville's Efforts to Address Climate Change" (B)
In late 2008, The Climate Communities (www.climatecommunities.us <http://www.climatecommunities.us/>) invited Gainesville to take a leadership role in a new organization intended to bring all types of local governments together to advocate for climate change legislation and funding in Washington. Mayor Hanrahan participated in a summit at the Rockefeller Estate in Tarrytown, NY in November, 2008, using private funding, where a Climate Blueprint was developed and adopted. That blueprint has since been endorsed by over 400 local government officials, including Mayor Hanrahan and all five Alachua County Commissioners. Members of the Gainesville City Commission were also invited to endorse the blueprint late last year, and are again encouraged to do so. Because of our excellent progress toward our climate change goals, and the fact that we are on track to meet the Kyoto protocol standard of reducing greenhouse gases to 7% b elow 1990 levels by 2013, Gainesville was also asked to present part of the blueprint to the Obama transition team during a January conference call, and Mayor Hanrahan was invited to introduce President Obama's Climate Director, Carol Browner, during recent meetings in Washington.
In 2008, using private funding provided by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Mayor Hanrahan helped to organize two Florida local government workshops on addressing climate change at the local level. These were held in Doral at the annual meeting of the Florida Association of Counties and in Tampa at the annual meeting of the Florida League of Mayors and Florida League of Cities. Altogether approximately 150 local officials, staff and citizens participated, and Gainesville's progress was again highlighted. Gainesville was also just one of three local governments invited to present at Governor Crist's Climate Change Summit last summer, to an audience of several hundred.
As a longstanding member of ICLEI, Gainesville's dues to The Climate Communities would be at half the full cost for a government of our size, or $4,000. Because of our serious budgetary constraints, and because of our community's strong support for our energy efficiency and alternative energy efforts, rather than providing city funding for these efforts, this proposal provides a framework to raise the funds privately, from citizens, businesses, or other interested parties who wish to support our leadership role in this important policy arena. A proposed donation schedule is attached, but could be modified as desired by the City Commission. A realistic goal might be to raise a total of $10,000, in an effort to both join Climate Communities and also cover travel, printing, and other related costs toward communicating our policy support and actions toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Specific expenditures beyond the dues for Climate Communities would be brought back to the City Commission for approval on the consent agenda. Funds could be applied toward any climate-related activity brought forward by any of Gainesville's elected officials, staff or citizens. While this is intended primarily as a way to control municipal expenditures, it has a secondary benefit of giving our citizens an outlet for support of local climate actions as well. Donations to the City of Gainesville are considered tax deductible.
It should be noted that the lobbying efforts underway on behalf of The Climate Communities have been and will continue to be coordinated with Marion Turner of MWW Group, the City's federal lobbyist. Gainesville's participation should be fully communicated to our lobbying firm so the message and outreach to members of Congress on behalf of the city remains consistent. Mr. Turner participated in several of the meetings between Mayor Hanrahan, Commissioners Long and DeLaney, and members of Congress that took place in early February.
Hear presentation regarding the proposal to raise private funds to support climate change legislation and promote Gainesville's progress toward this goal. Review, amend if desired, and adopt a donation schedule for this purpose. Alternative recommendation: Allocate $4,000 from fund balance for Gainesville to join The Climate Communities, and consider additional funding as necessary for travel and other efforts needed to support this initiative.