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File #: 071014.    Version: 0 Name: Update on Redevelopment Projects and Development Agreements (B)
Type: Staff Recommendation Status: On Consent Agenda
File created: 3/17/2008 In control: Community Redevelopment Agency
On agenda: Final action: 3/17/2008
Title: Update on Redevelopment Projects and Development Agreements (B)
Attachments: 1. 071014_20080317.pdf
Update on Redevelopment Projects and Development Agreements (B)
Staff has been asked to provide an update on referrals, several redevelopment projects and development agreements under review.  This update is a sampling of the many projects underway by the CRA, and is not a complete list.
Project Updates:
Southeast Gainesville Redevelopment Initiative - Wilson Miller has received input from City staff, CRA staff, neighborhood leaders, and the general public.  Using this information, the consultant has prepared a revised draft of the SEGRI special area plan.  This document will also undergo review, comment and refinement as we move towards a final version of the proposed SAP.
SW 2nd Avenue Master Plan - BBPC is in the process of assessing both market and infrastructure capacity within the study area.  Prelimary findings should be completed by the end of March, and a workshop with stakeholders is anticipated for the first week in May, in order to gain valuable feedback as the process continues to move forward.
NW 1st Avenue Lighting - Due to unexpected emergency repairs needed throughout the City in February, construction on this project was not able to commence as originally scheduled.  Work on the project will now begin the first week of March.  
CPUH and Downtown Parking Studies - Oral presentations from the top ranked respondents were held the first week of March.  Rich & Associates was selected as the top ranked team for this project.  
Gainesville Responsible Hospitality Partnership - GRHP continues to work with Greek students to formalize support for the Partnership.  GRHP will also be reaching out to other student and professional groups at UF.
GRU Site Master Plan - The TUFF/Lord Aeck Sargent team is formulating ideas for a development plan.  A workshop is to discuss their findings is anticipated for April.  
Hampton Inn/Lot 9 Redevelopment - Building permit has been approved, foundation work is underway.
Gainesville Greens/Lot 10 Redevelopment - Staff has negotiated with the developer to allow Lot 10's reopening as a downtown parking amenity until onsite redevelopment activity resumes.    
CRA Streetscape Design Standards- Bellomo-Herbert is finalizing the draft document from suggestions given by staff and the advisory boards.
Cade Museum - The City Commission formally extended an invitation to the Cade Museum leadership on January 14th to explore Depot Park for museum construction.  The museum organizers plan to hold a design charrette in Gainesville on March 25-27.  CRA staff has requested that personnel from Carol R. Johnson and Associates, which was selected to develop Design and Technical Standards for Depot Park, to attend this charrette.
University Avenue Improvements - The new bicycle racks, benches and waste receptacles have all arrived. The FDOT Maintenance Agreement is in process.   Roadway median irrigation design is in process.  Staff is developing a scope of work for concrete pads needed in some areas to place the improvements. Coordination with the Solid Waste Division is in process. The roadway median designs (5 in CPUH, 3 in Eastside) are completed and work is underway to design irrigation systems.
Bus Shelters - Proposals from prospective firms were received and staff began evaluating the week of March 3.
Eastside Gateway Project - The Purchasing Department is preparing to issue the Invitation to Bid for the construction drawings for the Gateway.  CRA staff is expediting this project so that the contractor can be issued the notice to proceed in March.  CRA staff is coordinating with FDOT to close obsolete driveway ramps around the project site. The existing sidewalks are shown as remaining in the plans.
Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Plan - The Plan is in need of small amendments and updating.  Staff is collaborating with the CRA Attorney on this project, and will provide additional information to the Board at a future date.  
NW 5th Avenue Streetscape - The anticipated completion date of the project is the end of March 2008. GRU, Cox, and Bellsouth are in the process of undergrounding the utilities. Anglin Construction has installed new sidewalks; brick pavers and pedestrian lights.
A. Quinn Jones House - located at 1013 NW 7th Avenue in partnership with the City of Gainesville Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs and CRA met to explore options for the home. One of the first priorities was to cut and maintain the yard of the property. Staff is also in the preliminary process of recommending the A. Quinn Jones House to be placed on the National Register of Historic places. Staff from both agencies will continue to meet to explore options for the property.
Fiscal Note
None at this time.
Executive Director to the CRA:  Receive update from Staff.

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