Request to apply for a Florida Humanities Council grant for Florida's American Heritage River: Art of the St. Johns River Region (NB).
This item involves a request for the City Commission to authorize the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs to seek a grant from the Florida Humanities Council in the amount of $24,100 to support public programs and educational materials.
The City of Gainesville's Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Thomas Center Gallery is seeking a Florida Humanities Council grant in the amount of $24,100 to support the public programs and educational materials component of Florida's American Heritage River: Art of the St. Johns River Region.
Co-sponsors for the project include the Artists Alliance of North Florida (AAONF), University of Florida's Harn Museum of Art Education Department and Art for a Complete Education (ACE). ACE will produce an education guidebook for use by K-12 teachers to include suggestions for classroom projects documenting the role of the river over the past 10,000 years. The University of Florida's Center for the Arts and Public Policy is planning a statewide symposium, Preserving the Past/Sustaining the Future, scheduled for Fall, 2008. The Santa Fe Community College (SFCC) Art Gallery plans to host an exhibition during Fall 2008 titled Springs Eternal focusing on the preservation of the region's fragile hydrologic network.
Fiscal Note
The Division of Cultural Affairs' in-kind funding match of $11,240 consists of salary, facility use and promotional costs to be paid from the Division's 2007 budget.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) approve the request to apply for the Florida Humanities Council Grant; and 2) if awarded, authorize the City Manager or designee to execute any related documents pending approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternative Recommendation: The City Commission deny the request to apply for the Florida Humanities Council Grant.