Replacement of Sand Filtration Units and Circulation Pump at Andrew R. Mickle, Sr. Pool (B)
This is a request for the City Commission to award the bid for provision of labor and materials for a sand filter system replacement at the Andrew R. Mickle, Sr. swimming pool, located at 1717 SE 15th Street.
The Andrew R. Mickle, Sr. Pool (Mickle Pool) was built by the City in 1989 and the pool's filtration system is part of that original construction project. As a result, the facility is currently experiencing major operational deficits with this system.
It should be noted that in March of 2003, the pool shell was failing and the City at a cost of $75,000 installed a new PVC Pool Liner.
The current filtration system at the Mickle Pool has had numerous failures over the last few operating seasons. During the 2005 season, the pool was shut down a total of six times in order to repair holes that developed in the sides of the filter tanks. Staff was able to patch the tanks in order to remain in operation to complete the season, but the tanks cannot continue to operate in this manner. A total failure is imminent. The tanks are corroding from the inside out and have outlived their useful life. If the filtration tanks are replaced, the city is required to replace the current circulation pump as this original pump no longer meets minimum flow requirements as set forth in the Florida Administrative Code Chapter 64E-9 (Department of Health, Public Swimming Pools and Bathing Places).
In order to remedy this situation and open the facility for the 2006 season, the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs is requesting that the existing equipment be removed and new equipment meeting current Health Department operating requirements be installed.
The Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs solicited proposals for the project. The RFP was posted on January 25, 2006 with a submittal deadline of February 13, 2006. Galaxy Chemical Corporation, d.b.a. Galaxy Pools, was the only responsive bidder, with two other contractors submitting a "no bid" response. There were two options listed in the RFP. Option one was to install the new system with a manual backwash system in order to clean the filter. Option two included an automatic backwash system for cleaning the filter. The department recommends the system including the automatic backwash system in order to reduce possible damage to the new system and to reduce personal services costs in order to backwash the system. The cost of the project as recommended is $55,583.
Failure to approve the purchase and installation of the new equipment will result in the Department's current operational status leading to frequent closures of the facility due to filter system repairs during the upcoming swimming season.
Facility closures impact both attendance and revenues. For the 2006 season, staff is estimating recreational swim attendance at 1,454 and revenues in the amount of $1,470.67. Estimated participant numbers for 2006 are based on prior year's attendance and operations. By eliminating unscheduled closures to the pool, staff feels both attendance and revenues for 2006 would be higher.
Fiscal Note
The bid amount is $55,583 for removal of existing equipment and installation of new equipment. Funding for this project will come from the Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds Series 2005 Proceeds.
The City Commission: 1) approve award of the bid for the replacement of existing filtration and circulation equipment at the Andrew R. Mickle, Sr. Pool to Galaxy Chemical Corporation, d.b.a. Galaxy Pools; and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all contract documents and issue a purchase order in an amount not to exceed $55,583.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission not authorize the expenditures for a new filtration tank and circulation pump and require staff to continue to make repairs to the current tanks as needed or until the filtration system fails completely and the facility must be closed.