Dangerous Dogs Issues (NB)
The Public Safety Committee held six meetings to discuss this October 11, 2004 referral on dangerous dogs issues. The referral stemmed from Springtree neighborhood concerns with several pit bull dogs that were getting loose, roaming around and terrorizing residents. The committee heard from these residents and other interested citizens on a variety of similar concerns as it pertains to dangerous/aggressive dogs and the enforcement of current city and county ordinances. County Animal Services staff attended all of the meetings and provided information on anticipated changes to the county ordinance, which include strengthening and readdressing the definitions for both aggressive and dangerous dogs, additional regulations for tethering, animal enclosures, registration, and proof of additional insurance for certain designations. City Attorney staff provided research and guidance on other municipalities' regulations as related to number of dogs allowed, restriction on the type (breed) of dog, provisions for dangerous dogs and tethering of animals.
The Public Safety Committee would like to report this item out of committee due to the extensive research conducted by staff, feedback and involvement from other interested parties, and the dedication by the new County Animal Control Services Director to make needed amendments to the current ordinance, as well as enhancements to enforcement and public education. The Director intends to address the Board of County Commissioners in late August with the recommended ordinance amendments. The committee supports the recommendations as discussed during the past nine months and feel these enhancements will provide an appropriate resolution to a community-wide concern. Of note, the City contracts with County Animal Services for enforcement of the City ordinance and the provisions in the ordinance are supplemental to the provisions of the Alachua County Code of Ordinances on Animal Control. If approved by the County, these would become enforceable in the City pursuant to our existing Agreement.
The City Commission accept the Public Safety Committee's report out and remove this item from the pending referral list.