Update on Redevelopment Projects and Development Agreements (NB)
Staff has been asked to provide an update on several redevelopment projects and development agreements under review.
University Corners- Staff has met with the developer who will be submitting an application in September for an amendment to the University Corners PUD and PD, requesting 470 units including up to 243 condo-tel units, eliminating the underground garage, adding parking on the roof deck behind a parapet wall, and making a few other adjustments to the PD layout plan. The façade would remain unchanged. An application and proforma proposal will be submitted to the CRA for review and approval of these changes before processing the development agreement.
Hampton Inn/Lot 9 - The development agreement was provided to the developer and staff is awaiting comments from the developer.
Jefferson on Second - The developer is preparing an initial proposed development agreement based on previous agreements, for review by the CRA Attorney and Staff.
Gainesville Greens -The development agreement will likely be executed by the date of the CRA meeting.
University House on 13th Street - A draft development agreement is in review by staff. The letter of intent to provide improvements to the A. Quinn Jones school recreational areas was approved by the School Board in August; a formal agreement is in development.
Depot Park Area Master Plan - Staff is revising the scope and reissuing the RFP with price as a factor and with a not to exceed limit, as the initial proposals came in higher than budgeted.
Downtown Competitive Façade Grant Program - Following approval by the CRA in June, a new, competitive façade grant program to aid Downtown commercial storefronts was launched. The new program aims to focus the grants on high visibility corridors such as University Avenue and Main Street. Two grants of up to $10,000 each will be offered to applicants. Applications were due in July, and the CRA received four applications. The Downtown Redevelopment Advisory Board selected the Chestnut Building as the first grant recipient and will select the final grant recipient at the September Downtown Redevelopment Advisory Board meeting. The successful grant applicants will be recognized at a public meeting of the City Commission upon successful completion of their projects.
Eastside Redevelopment Area Expansion - The Eastside Community Redevelopment Plan was adopted by the City Commission on August 28, 2006. The second and final reading of the Ordinance expanding the boundaries of the Eastside Community Redevelopment Area has been scheduled for September 11, 2006.
Eastside Gateway - Staff is currently obtaining an estimate from Water and Air Research to prepare a site assessment to determine options for the overall scope of the cleanup needed, the potential remedial actions, and the likelihood of disruption if the CRA proceeds with developing the entry feature in advance of taking remedial action. The scope of this work will be brought to the Eastside Redevelopment Advisory Board in September and the CRA in October. Following clarification from the site assessment, the Eastside Redevelopment Advisory Board will discuss the gateway feature and staff will bring back a revised design reflecting the comments of the CRA and Eastside Redevelopment Advisory Board.
East University Avenue Medians - FDOT Beautification funds may be available to fund these improvements, but they will not be available this year. Public Works staff is working on obtaining an interlocal agreement to secure repayment of these funds if the CRA proceeds to fund the improvements earlier.
Lanier Parking Management Contract - CRA staff has not proceeded with the contract for Lanier Parking Management due to the fact that the Public Works Department is hiring a consultant to do comparable work.
Lot 13 Solid Waste Project - Waste Management will be continuing to provide service to the dumpsters on Lot 10 until the compactor at Lot 13 is constructed when Gainesville Greens begins development. CRA staff is working with Public Works as they begin designing the new compactor for Lot 13.
Model Block Project Update- The second Model Block House, Site B, located at 408 NW 4th Avenue is now complete and a ribbon cutting ceremony was held on August 3, and an Open House was held on August 19 and 20. Bids for Site B are due by September 25, 2006 at 1 PM. The minimum bid is $158,000. The contract with Carter Construction for Site D is in the process of being finalized.
Northwest 5th Avenue Streetscape- Bid documents are being processed by the Public Works Department.
Northwest 5th Avenue Tot Lot - The Gainesville Housing Authority has agreed to return this lot to the City so improvements can be made. CRA and Parks and Recreation staff will meet with the Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Advisory Board on September 26 to discuss a plan to improve the tot lot.
Responsible Hospitality Partnership - CRA staff assisted the steering committee with an alcohol awareness weekend for UF and Santa Fe students at Lowe's.
RFP for Real Estate Services - The RFP for Real Estate Services is being reissued due to not receiving sufficient responses.
Seminary Lane - Staff has submitted a letter to the Gainesville Housing Authority offering our assistance in preparing an RFP for the redevelopment of Seminary Lane, per the CRA's discussion last month.
SFCC Houses - On September 5, 2006 the Historic Preservation Board approved the CRA's request, acting as agent for Santa Fe Community College, to move the houses located at 502 and 508 NW 4th Avenue, and to demolish later additions to the house prior to moving the houses to their new location at 414 Northwest 5th Avenue. The houses will be later rehabilitated and sold for homeownership through the CRA's Model Block Program.
Sorority Woods Feasibility Study - The results of the study and request for easement are in the process of being submitted to the University of Florida for review and approval.
St. Augustine's Church Parking Lot - Staff has submitted a letter offering our assistance in preparing an RFP for the redevelopment of St. Augustine's parking lot, per the CRA's discussion last month.
SW 5th Avenue Triangle - The bid documents are being processed through the Public Work's department. A Call to Artists has been issued through the Art in Public Places Trust.
SW 7th Avenue Improvements - design is underway by consultant and once drafted will be reviewed by the CPUH Advisory Board.
SW 8th Avenue Streetscape - CRA staff is working with Public Works on obtaining estimates for design services to complete the plans for SW 8th Avenue, and will bring the request to the CRA in October.
Tumblin Creek Watershed Management Plan -- At the July 5 College Park/University Heights Redevelopment Advisory Board meeting the Board reviewed the draft Tumblin Creek Watershed Management Plan report. This important planning document outlines the stormwater issues and opportunities in the area and provides the Advisory Board with options to consider funding to address stormwater issues in the area. Stormwater is among the biggest infrastructure concerns in the College Park/University Heights Redevelopment Area, and affects further redevelopment of the area. The College Park/University Heights Redevelopment Advisory Board will continue their review of the Master Plan at their October meeting. After reviewing and discussing the report the College Park/University Heights Redevelopment Advisory Board will submit recommendations to the Community Redevelopment Agency.
Fiscal Note
None at this time
Executive Director to the CRA: Receive the monthly update from staff.