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File #: 050559    Version: Name: Temporary Emergency Homeless Assistance Plan (B)
Type: Discussion Item Status: Passed
File created: 11/21/2005 In control: City Manager
On agenda: Final action: 11/21/2005
Title: Temporary Emergency Homeless Assistance (B) At the City Commission meetings of October 24, 2005 and November 14, 2005, the City Commission discussed the possibility of funding additional programs and services for the homeless. In addition, the steering committee and subcommittees that resulted from the homeless summit in spring 2005 will be coming forward shortly with recommendations for additional approaches, programs and services to assist the homeless. This joint meeting offers an opportunity for the City and County Commissions to discuss homelessness issues and programs.
Attachments: 1. Homeless Assistance Programs - 102705.PDF, 2. Homeless Housing & Service Providers 102705.PDF, 3. 050559_200511141300.pdf, 4. ADDBCUPDONOVAN.pdf, 5. 050559_200511211800.pdf
Temporary Emergency Homeless Assistance (B)
At the City Commission meetings of October 24, 2005 and November 14, 2005, the City Commission discussed the possibility of funding additional programs and services for the homeless.  In addition, the steering committee and subcommittees that resulted from the homeless summit in spring 2005 will be coming forward shortly with recommendations for additional approaches, programs and services to assist the homeless.   This joint meeting offers an opportunity for the City and County Commissions to discuss homelessness issues and programs.
On March 31, 2005, Alachua County and the City of Gainesville held a Summit on Homelessness to lay the groundwork for creating a 10-year plan to end homelessness in Gainesville and Alachua County.  Since June, six committees - Services, Health, Sustainable Housing, Law Enforcement, Faith-Based, and Finance - have assessed different aspects of homelessness in the community to arrive at recommendations for improving the delivery and level of services for the homeless.  Working under the direction of a Steering Committee comprised of representatives from each of the working committees, plus other community participants, the groups have collectively focused on the mission adopted early in the planning process: "To provide appropriate services to return people to self-sufficiency and to foster an environment where homelessness is eradicated in Alachua County."
The Alachua County-City of Gainesville 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness will be introduced to the public at what is being called "Summit II" on December 1, 2005.  It will then be presented to the City and County Commissions at a joint meeting on December 15, 2005.
The City funds a number of homeless facilities and programs.  The City Commission has approved $70,310 in its FY 2005-06 CDBG and HOME budgets to support programs to assist the homeless through Gainesville Community Ministry, Interfaith Hospitality Network, Peaceful Paths and St. Francis House.  The City served as the applicant and grantee for $99,101 provided from Supportive Housing Grant funds for transitional housing and supportive services for mentally ill homeless persons at Meridian Behavioral Health Care and for $106,215 provided for transitional housing and support services for homeless veterans at VETSPACE.  The City assisted with the Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry's application for State Homeless Assistance Challenge Grants that provided $60,000 for facilities and services at several homeless organizations.  The City also participates in joint applications with Alachua County that result in SHIP Special Needs funding for various organizations serving the homeless.  In addition, the City Commission has allocated $5,000 for Sister Hazel's Clinic (medical care assistance) and $15,000 for homeless youth at The Preserve from general funds.  Finally, the City Commission set aside $50,000 in the FY 2005-06 CDBG budget for a yet-to-be-determined capital improvement initiative for the homeless, in anticipation of recommendations from the 10-year Homeless Plan.
At the November 14, 2005 City Commission meeting, the City Commission discussed Commissioner Donovan's proposal for specific facilities and services that could be added to those services and facilities that are currently provided in Gainesville and Alachua County in order to address the immediate shelter and services needs of persons who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless over the next 4-6 months.  Part of the discussion centered on offers from two private individuals, Mr. Clark Butler and Mr. Jack Smith, who challenged the City and County to match their combined donations of $210,000 to address the immediate cold weather needs of the homeless.  In response, the City Commission asked staff to include this issue on the agenda for the Joint City-County Commission meeting on November 21, 2005.
Staff was also directed to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit proposals from local providers who might be willing to provide additional shelter and services to address the immediate cold-weather needs of the homeless.  The RFP will be issued on or before November 21, 2005, with a response date of November 30, 2005.  The responses to the RFP will be presented to the City Commission at its December 12, 2005 meeting.
Fiscal Note
The City provides funding for current homeless services, facilities, and programs, as described above, and has set aside $50,000 in additional funding for capital expenses.  Funding for the provision of additional services for the homeless beyond those currently budgeted has not been identified.
The City and County Commissions discuss current homeless facilities and services and their funding, and what additional facilities, services, and funding sources may be made available.  

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