Ordinance No. 0-08-14, Petition No. 83PDA-06PB
An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; amending Ordinance Nos. 991267 and 020948, by adopting a new Development Plan for the undeveloped portion of the property, as more specifically described in this ordinance, commonly known as "Walnut Creek Planned Development Phase II"; generally located in the vicinity of the 2500 block of Northwest 39th Avenue; adopting new development plan maps and a planned development report; adopting additional conditions and restrictions; providing for penalties; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
This is a request to re-establish the Planned Development ordinance for Walnut Creek Phase II, a residential subdivision consisting of 55 lots. Walnut Creek is a single-family residential subdivision, proposed to be developed in two phases. It is located in the 2500 Block, of NW 39th Avenue, south side and extends south to Northwest 31st Avenue (Glen Springs Road). It is bounded on the east by Palm Grove, which is a fully developed single-family residential development, consisting of 107 lots. To the west is Hidden Pines, a single-family residential development, consisting of 76 lots.
The subject property consists of approximately 30 acres. It was re-zoned to Planned Development for a single-family residential subdivision called Walnut Creek, Petition 44PDV-00, which was approved by the City Commission on October 9, 2000, by Ordinance 991267. The project included a total of 138 lots to be developed in two phases; the first phase with 73 lots and the second with 65 lots. The applicant received final plat approval for Phase 1 on May 22, 2003, and proceeded to develop 73 lots. After completion of Phase I, but prior to accepting the infrastructure, the city discovered that the stormwater management system did not function as anticipated. The problems of Phase I had to be corrected prior to or during the implementation of Phase II. The designed solution is to incorporate the management of stormwater from Phase I into the new design for Phase II. The new design proposes 55 lots for Phase II, instead of the initial 65 lots proposed.
During the redesign and review process for Phase II, the Planned Development expired resulting in the need to request a re-establishment of the Planned Development for Phase II. The applicant filed a request to re-establish the expired Walnut Creek Planned Development, and to modify the PD layout plan. The main purpose of the modification is to accommodate a redesign of the entire stormwater system for the Walnut Creek Planned Development for public safety and welfare consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations.
The proposed modification resulted in the following changes in the Planned Development:
a. A reduction in the number of lots proposed on Phase II from 65 to 55;
b. A change in the language requiring the collection of all surface water run-offs to be contained on site;
c. An increase in the size of the area devoted to stormwater;
d. A change in the location and size of common areas;
e. A change in the direction of the main roadway alignment as it approaches NW 31st Avenue;
f. A change in the number of trees to be removed; and
g. A change in the layout of lots on the south side, adjacent to Palm Grove Phase 2.
Those changes are reflected in Exhibit "C" Development Plan Maps, attached to the proposed ordinance. For informational purposes, the previously approved Planned Development Layout Plan Map is attached to this memorandum as Attachment "1".
The City Plan Board conducted a public hearing on February 21, 2008 and considered the request to re-establish the Planned Development with design plat for Phase II of the Walnut Creek Subdivision. The Plan Board heard the petition and expressed concerns about tree preservation, the overall design of individual units, and the need to provide adequate separation from proposed utilities. By a vote of 3-2, the Plan Board denied the Planned Development request.
After the Plan Board hearing, staff worked with the applicant to address concerns raised by the Plan Board. The City Commission conducted a public hearing on April 14, 2008 approving the request to re-establish the Planned Development with conditions and authorized preparation of an ordinance for First Reading. The commission also approved the request for Phase II design plat, Petition 156SUB-06DB with conditions, subject to final adoption of the Planned Development ordinance. If the Planned Development Ordinance is adopted, the applicant will proceed to preparing Construction Drawings for staff approval and then Final Plat for City Commission review.
The City Commission, at its meeting of April 14, 2008 authorized the city attorney's office to prepare and advertise the necessary ordinance amending the planned development known as "Walnut Creek Planned Development Phase II".