Architectural and Engineering Services for the Eastside Operations Center (B)
Staff recommends approval of the final ranking of the architectural and engineering firms and authorization to negotiate a contract in accordance with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA) for architectural and engineering services for the Eastside Operations Center to be located in the 4500 block of North Main Street.
GRU proposes to construct the Eastside Operations Center and relocate operations facilities from the existing downtown operations center to this new operations center. The facilities to be constructed include water and wastewater distribution and collection divisions, electric transmission and distribution division, eastside engineering staff, field services division, substation and relay division, gas and electric measurement division, warehousing and materials storage. In addition, the system control center and adjacent training facilities presently located on NW 53rd Avenue will be relocated to this new facility. The site development will include internal roads, parking lots, paved storage areas and stormwater facilities.
Utilities Purchasing issued a Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) for Architectural and Engineering services for the Eastside Operations Center to known engineering firms. The RFSQ was posted on GRU's website. Seven firms submitted Statements of Qualifications, which were ranked after evaluation of the submittals and discussions with the firms in accordance with the criteria established in the RFSQ and the CCNA.
The top three proposing firms made oral presentations to staff about their proposal. The final ranking of the top three firms is provided in the order of ranking and a tabulation of the evaluation is attached for your reference: Bentley Architects and Engineers; CH2M Hill; and Brame Architects
In accordance with the CCNA, staff is recommending initiating contract negotiations with the top ranked firm. If staff is unable to negotiate an acceptable contract with the top ranked firm, it may initiate negotiations with the other firms in order of ranking.
The City Commission: 1) approve the final ranking of the qualified firms in the given order of preference for the provision of Architectural and Engineering Services for the Eastside Operations Center project; 2) authorize the Interim General Manager, or her designee, to initiate contract negotiations in accordance with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA); and 3) authorize the Interim General Manager or her designee, upon successful negotiations, to execute a contract subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, in an amount not to exceed budgeted amounts for the project.
Fiscal Note
Funds for these services have been included in the GRU five year capital budget plan.
Prepared by: H. Reid Rivers, Energy Delivery Engineering Manager
Submitted by: Karen Johnson, Interim General Manager