Economic Development University Community Committee EDUCC - Referrals (B)
This item seeks City Commission approval of Economic Development University Community Committee (EDUCC) action on proposed and pending referrals.
In its past few meetings, the reconstituted EDUCC has worked with staff to review pending referrals and provided direction on those to be recommended for removal and those to be added for the coming year.
Referrals recommended for removal are:
070077 Innovation Campus Task Force
061158 Inter-City Trip
These removal recommendations are based on the fact that the work assigned to the Task Force is complete (the Master Plan for the 16 acre GRU property in downtown Gainesville) and due to fiscal constraints an Inter-City Trip to study a peer city is not warranted at this time.
Referrals recommended for addition or retention are:
090361 Promotion of Backyard Economic Efforts through City action
090363 Assess Partnership Efforts with UF, Santa Fe CC and community entities
090364 City Facilitation of Regional Agricultural Economy
090365 Review of Council of Economic Outreach Strategic Plan
090366 Provide a Forum for Review: Alachua General Hospital Site Redevelopment Plans
040247 EDUCC Information
050835 Gainesville/UF/Santa Fe Innovation Zone
These addition and retention recommendations will shape the work plan for the Committee over the course of the next year and will include an initial review of the City's adopted Strategic ED Action Plan and re engagement with various community partners regarding community economic development activities.
The EDUCC endorsed this direction at its regularly scheduled meeting on September 9, 2009.
This is an attempt to reestablish and refocus the priorities of the Economic Development University Community Committee as it moves forward over the next year.
Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact.
The City Commission: Approve the EDUCC's recommendation regarding action on proposed and pending referrals.
Alternative: The City Commission deny the EDUCC's recommendation regarding action of proposed and pending referrals.