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File #: 050637    Version: Name: Adoption of the College Park/University Heights Community Redevelopment Plan (B)
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 11/28/2005 In control: Community Redevelopment Agency
On agenda: Final action: 11/28/2005
Title: Adoption of the College Park/University Heights Community Redevelopment Plan (B) A resolution of the City of Gainesville, Florida approving the amended College Park/University Heights Community Redevelopment Plan; modifying and extending the boundaries of the College Park/University Heights Community Redevelopment Area; and providing an immediate effective date.
Attachments: 1. 050637CPUH Plan_Final_CRA_Review.pdf, 2. 050637_200511281300.pdf, 3. 050637_20051128.pdf, 4. 050637_Resolution Final_20051128
Adoption of the College Park/University Heights Community Redevelopment Plan (B)
A resolution of the City of Gainesville, Florida approving the amended College Park/University Heights Community Redevelopment Plan; modifying and extending the boundaries of the College Park/University Heights Community Redevelopment Area; and providing an immediate effective date.
In 2004, the City Commission initiated an update of the College Park/University Heights (CP/UH) Community Redevelopment Plan including, if appropriate, an expanded area.   The City retained Herbert-Halbeck, Inc. (HHI) and Real Estate Research Consultants (RERC) to investigate and document blight conditions in the area just south of the existing Community Redevelopment Area for possible inclusion.  The proposed update of the CP/UH Redevelopment Plan both updates the existing CP/UH Redevelopment Plan and addresses the conditions of blight that were identified in the Expansion Area in the Findings of Necessity report for the expansion area, adopted by the City Commission on June 13, 2005.   The CP/UH Redevelopment Plan was approved by the Community Redevelopment Agency and transmitted to the City Commission on November 21, 2005.
In 2004, the City Commission initiated an update of the CP/UH Redevelopment Plan including, if appropriate, an expanded area.  The City retained Herbert-Halbeck, Inc. (HHI) and Real Estate Research Consultants (RERC) to investigate and document blight conditions in the area just south of the existing Community Redevelopment Area for possible inclusion.  The proposed update of the CP/UH Redevelopment Plan updates the existing CP/UH Redevelopment Plan and addresses the conditions of blight that were identified in the Expansion Area in the Findings of Necessity report, adopted by the City Commission on June 13, 2005.  
A draft copy of the Plan has been provided for review.
The draft Plan includes objectives and initiatives to further redevelop and remove blight from the existing Community Redevelopment Area and the Expansion Area.  Redevelopment objectives and initiatives outlined in the plan include infrastructure improvements, parking, urban form, traffic circulation, private investment, land acquisition and redevelopment, creation of mixed-use technology hubs, historic preservation and adaptive reuse, public spaces, funding, financing, management and promotion.  Plan recommendations include but are not limited to stormwater system improvements, creation of a comprehensive parking management system, creation of design incentives to attract quality projects that enhance the overall urban form of the community, land assembly and acquisition, rail trail improvements, branding and promotion and cornerstone projects (a list of projects for key sites).  
On October 13, 2005, staff presented the draft CP/UH Redevelopment Plan to the University Park Neighborhood Association for their review and comment, and encouraged the residents to submit any proposed changes to staff.  The residents received the CP/UH Plan positively and to date staff has not received any additional comments from UPNA.
On November 2, 2005 the Redevelopment Advisory Board reviewed the proposed CP/UH Community Redevelopment Plan and recommended the Community Redevelopment Agency adopt the plan, with their comments.  Staff has incorporated the CP/UH Board's comments into the final Plan.
On November 17, 2005 the City Plan Board reviewed the CP/UH Community Redevelopment Plan for conformity with the City's Comprehensive Plan and found the Plan to be consistent.
On November 21, 2005 the Community Redevelopment Agency adopted the CP/UH Community Redevelopment Plan with modifications and forwarded it to the City Commission for approval and to the taxing authorities.  The Community Redevelopment Agency also requested the City Commission authorize the City Attorney to draft ordinance provisions expanding the boundaries of the CP/UH Community Redevelopment Area and setting the base taxable value for the expanded area and to authorize the Clerk of Commission to advertise the public hearing and the necessary ordinances.  
Fiscal Note
The City Commission:  1) Adopt the College Park/University Heights Community Redevelopment Plan, as amended by the CRA;  2) authorize the City Attorney to prepare and the Clerk of Commission advertise an ordinance expanding the boundaries of the College Park/University Heights Community Redevelopment Area and setting the base taxable value for the expanded area; 3) adopt the resolution.
Alternative Recommendation A:  Adopt the plan with modifications and authorize the City Attorney to prepare and the Clerk of Commission advertise an ordinance expanding the boundaries of the College Park/University Heights Community Redevelopment Area and setting the base taxable value for the expanded area.
Alternative Recommendation B:  Do not adopt the plan.

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