Temporary Process Waste Treatment for High Springs Water Bottling Facility (B)
Executive Summary
Staff is requesting authorization to enter into an agreement with Coca-Cola North America (CCNA) to provide temporary hauling and treatment of process wastewater for its High Springs Water Bottling Facility.
CCNA is constructing and will own and operate a water bottling facility in High Springs, Florida. The water treatment process consists of membrane treatment that removes some of the naturally occurring minerals and produces a process waste stream that is high in total dissolved solids. CCNA will ultimately construct a treatment and disposal system to treat the process waste stream, but wishes to place the water bottling facility in operation prior to completion of the waste treatment facility.
CCNA has requested that the City transport and treat the waste stream on a temporary basis until its own waste treatment and disposal facilities are constructed and operational. CCNA has estimated that those facilities will be complete within 6 months.
The Utility has the ability to transport the process waste and treat and dispose of the waste as part of its normal wastewater treatment processes. Based on the projected constituents, the waste will not pose any problems for wastewater treatment facilities. The waste stream will be fully characterized prior to treatment, and will be tested periodically thereafter.
The Utility will be appropriately compensated for this service in an amount that covers all costs associated with the service as well as the risks associated with providing this service. Of course, this revenue becomes part of gross revenues, and adds to the basis for calculating the General Fund Transfer to General Government. Additionally, since service will be provided beyond the City's corporate limits, a surcharge will be assessed.
A copy of the draft agreement is provided in the backup documentation.
The City Commission authorize the General Manager or his designee to enter into an agreement with CCNA substantially in the form of the agreement attached hereto for providing contract treatment of process waste from CCNA's water treatment plant located near High Springs, Florida.
Fiscal Note
Based on the projected amount of process waste being treated over a 6 month period, the gross revenue associated with this agreement could be approximately $275,000, plus a 25% surcharge for services.
Prepared by: David Richardson, AGM, Water/Wastewater Systems
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager