Hatchet Creek Design Plat (B)
Petition PZ-09-19. Eng, Denman, and Associates, Inc., agent for East Gainesville Development Partners LLC. Design plat review for an environmental cluster subdivision. Zoned: RSF-1 (3.5 du/ac single family) and RSF-4 (8 du/ac single family). Located at 2100 NE 39th Ave, adjacent to the Ironwood Golf Course.
The proposed 'Hatchet Creek' subdivision is located on approximately 291 acres between NE 39th Avenue and NE 53rd Avenue, west of NE 15th Street and abutting the Ironwood Golf Course property. The property has a Future Land Use designation of 'Single Family Residential' and zoning of RSF-1 and RSF-4. Surrounding properties included undeveloped industrial land to the east (I-1 zoning), the golf course (PS zoning), and several single family and multi-family developments to the west along NE 15th Street (with RSF-1, RMF-5, and PD zoning). Commercial property, zoned BUS, is located at the corner of NE 15th Street and NE 39th Avenue.
This design plat proposes construction of a 734-lot residential subdivision with street network, stormwater facilities and other infrastructure. Review by the City Commission shall be based upon the considerations in Section 30-183(i)(2), including that the subdivision is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and existing zoning requirements, meets protection requirements for environmental features, provides adequate access for bicycles, pedestrians, transit, and emergency vehicles, and provides a sufficient overall stormwater management plan. Particular attention shall also be given to the arrangement and location of streets and lots at the design plat review stage. The City Commission may approve the design plat as presented if found to be in compliance, require modifications, or disapprove the design plat if it is not in compliance. Since Hatchet Creek is proposed as an environmental cluster subdivision, it must meet additional standards for that type of subdivision found within Section 30-190 of the Land Development Code.
Approximately 232 acres of the Hatchet Creek property lies within the significant ecological communities overlay district. The Land Development Code (Section 30-309) states that a set-aside of no more than ten percent may be required within the overlay area. This section of the code also states that the exact amount and location of property to be set aside shall be determined by the appropriate reviewing board on a site-specific basis. The design plat also proposes impacts to approximately 8.41 acres of wetlands. In order to impact these wetlands, the subdivision must demonstrate avoidance through minimization, and meet the public interest test and other criteria under Section 30-302(e). Any proposed impacts to the wetlands must first be approved with the design plat, and then the actual mitigation plan for these impacts would not be considered until the final plat stage.
The proposed design plat also must comply with applicable standards in Appendix F - Airport Hazard Zoning Regulations in the Land Development Code. The proposed configuration of the Hatchet Creek subdivision includes a large number of residential lots (approximately 450) in an area that is within the established Airport Noise Zone, as depicted on a map within Appendix F. Within the Airport Noise Zone, residential uses are listed as 'restricted uses' and must meet certain criteria. In order for residential uses to be permitted within any subzone of the Airport Noise Zone, the developers "shall verify to the City in writing that proposed buildings will be designed to achieve an outdoor to indoor noise level reduction (NLR) of at least 25 decibels" and the developer must demonstrate that the proposed residential development "is compatible with the Official CFR Part 150 study." Based upon staff review and the expert analysis provided by consultant Ted Baldwin, staff has concluded that the proposed design plat is incompatible with the current Part 150 study and therefore does not meet the criteria in Appendix F to allow residential uses within the Airport Noise Zones. For this reason, staff is recommending denial of the Hatchet Creek design plat.
The Development Review Board considered Petition PZ-09-19 at public hearings held on May 14, 2009 and June 11, 2009. By a vote of 6 - 0, the Development Review Board recommended denial of the petition, citing the evidence presented in the staff report and testimony, and specifically regarding the relationship between the development and the Airport Noise Zones, as well as the impacts of the development on environmental resources on the site.
Public notice for this petition was published in the Gainesville Sun on March 24, April 29 and May 27, 2009. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on March 23, April 28, and May 26, 2009.
Fiscal Note
Development Review Board to City Commission - The City Commission deny Petition PZ-09-19.
Staff to City Commission - Deny Petition PZ-09-19.
Alternate Recommendations - The City Commission approve Petition PZ-09-19.