Group Rate Discounts at City Aquatic Facilities (B)
Among the three City pools-Westside, Northeast and Mickle-Westside Pool has the greatest demand during the pool season and often reaches maximum capacity. This is due in large part to the number of organized groups (day care centers, churches, summer camps, etc.) that schedule large groups of participants to attend during public swimming times.
Due to the central location and proximity of Westside Pool, this is most often the first choice for groups to swim. Because of this, Westside Pool is overburdened while Northeast Pool and Mickle Pool remain underutilized. To alleviate some of the demand at Westside, and to encourage additional patronage at Northeast and Mickle Pools, the Recreation and Parks Department would like to offer organized swim groups who pre-schedule with City aquatic staff at least 10 business days in advance a discount at Northeast Pool and Mickle Pool. The discount will not be given to groups requesting use of Westside Pool; however, staff will inform them of the discounts offered at the others pools in hopes of encouraging use of the Northeast or Mickle Pools. Discounts will be provided on a first come first served basis, based on pool availability. The proposed discount rates are as follows:
Northeast Pool
20-50 swimmers, 5% discount off the daily pool entrance fee
51-100 swimmers, 10% discount off the daily pool entrance fee
101+ swimmers, 15% discount off the daily pool entrance fee
Mickle Pool
10-25 swimmers, 10% discount off the daily pool entrance fee
26-50 swimmers, 15% discount off the daily pool entrance fee
51+ swimmers, 20% discount off the daily pool entrance fee
In addition to alleviating some of the demand at Westside Pool, a large group discount would also encourage additional groups who cannot afford to use City pools an opportunity to bring their participants to swim.
Fiscal Note
Proposed group discounts range from 5%-20% (depending on the pool utilized and size of group). While this may decrease pool revenues by a small amount at Westside it is hoped that demand by groups for pool time at Northeast and Mickle would increase due to discount rates offered and therefore offset any reductions. It is difficult to estimate the exact financial impact of this policy; however, it is hoped that the result will be cost neutral.
The City Commission authorize the Recreation & Parks Director to offer approved discount rates for large pre-scheduled organized swim groups at Northeast and Mickle Pools.