An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Zoning Map Atlas and rezoning certain lands within the City from "RSF-2: 4.6 units/acre single-family residential district" to "PS: Public services and operations district"; to allow redevelopment of the existing recreation facility; approving a minor development plan; located in the vicinity of 1303 Northeast 23rd Avenue; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
The petition is a request to amend the zoning from RSF-2 (4.6 dwelling units per acre) to PS (Public service and operations district). The proposed site is 2.25 acres located at 1303 Northeast 23rd Avenue. The subject property is currently developed as a recreation facility and has been operating as a non-conforming recreation facility for many years. The proposed land use amendment and subsequent rezoning would allow the property to become a conforming use, and allow redevelopment of the existing recreation facility. A minor development plan (petition 118SPA-01CD) submitted for the property proposes outside basketball facilities, associated stormwater and outdoor play area improvements.
The subject parcel lies in the tertiary zone of the Wellfield Protection Overlay District. The development is not exempt from the requirements of the wellfield protection district. In order for this property to become a conforming property, a Wellfield Special Use Permit is required and will be heard concurrently with this ordinance.
The public services and operations district is established for the purpose of identifying and providing suitable locations for the necessary public and private utility and recreation activities that serve and are used directly by the public for their own benefit and are necessary to the normal conduct of the community's activities. This district may be isolated and surrounded by any other zoning district compatible with the intended use of the facility. Development plan approval is required for all development in the district.
A portion of the property is unopened Right-of-Way which will be under a formal license agreement as an interim measure. The City will initiate a petition to vacate that portion of the Right-of-Way in the near future.
The Plan Board reviewed the petition and recommends approval.
Public notice was published in the Gainesville Sun on October 30, 2001. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on October 31, 2001. The Plan Board held a public hearing November 15, 2001. Planning Division staff recommended that the Plan Board approve the petition. The Plan Board recommended that the City Commission approve Petition 117PSZ-01 PB. Plan Board vote 3-1.