Revisions to the Regional Transit System Transit Center Project - (B)
On May 8, 2000, the City Commission referred the issue of the Regional Transit Center Project to the Regional Transit System (RTS ) Advisory Board, Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), Downtown Redevelopment Advisory Board (DRAB), Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO), Sprout Task Force, East Gainesville Development Task Force, Gainesville Downtown Owners & Tenants (GDOT), and Community Development staff to make recommendations on the following: 1) should the Federal Transit Administration grant money be used to purchase new buses or should it be used for the initially proposed transit center; 2) is the initially proposed transit center location suitable, if not, suggest an alternative location and; 3) should the City keep the property that was purchased for the transit center for other uses, or sell it.
The issue was referred to the MTPO Technical and Citizens Advisory Committees (TAC and CAC, respectively). On May 24th, Mr. Jeff Logan, RTS Director, met with the TAC and the CAC to discuss the need to replace the RTS fleet due to the age and condition of the vehicles and to use the Transit Center funds to purchase vehicles. Also discussed was the suitability of the proposed site as a transfer center and if the site should be sold or developed for other uses. Both the TAC and the CAC passed the same motion; That the MTPO forward the following comments to the City Commission: 1) use the Federal Transit Administration grant money to purchase new buses, rather than construct the initially proposed transit center; 2) have the suitability of the transit center studied as part of an RTS Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA); and 3) keep the property that was purchased for the transit center and continue to designate it for use as a transit center. The MTPO met on June 8th and approved the motion to forward those comments to the City of Gainesville.
At the June 6, 2000 meeting of the East Gainesville Sprout Project Task Force, Mr. Jeff Logan discussed RTS capital budget needs and funding for the proposed transit center. The suitability of the proposed transit center location was also discussed as well as whether the City should keep the property for future use. The East Gainesville Sprout Project Task Force recommends: 1) retaining the designation of this property as a transit center while the Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) is being conducted; 2) determining the suitability of this site as a transit center based on the recommendations of the COA; 3) transfer the federal funding for reuse for capital purposes.
On June 8, 2000, the DRAB heard a presentation from Mr. Jeff Logan. The DRAB recommended that the CRA recommend: 1) approval of the expenditure of the Federal Transit Administration grant money ($1,000,000) for the purchase of new buses; 2) consider locating the transit center near Sixth Street and University Avenue; and 3) retaining the property that was purchased for the transit center pending completion of a Comprehensive Operational Analysis of the RTS. At the same meeting, the DRAB passed a motion recommending that the City Commission consider not using the Downtown Community Plaza as a major transfer station, but as a mini-station on the north side of the Plaza only. At the June 19th meeting of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), the recommendation from the DRAB was discussed and passed. The recommendation to only use the north side of the Plaza was discussed but no action was taken.
On June 20, 2000 members of GDOT met to discuss the proposed revisions to the RTS center project. The members discussed the status of a $1 million Federal Transit Administration grant and urgent repairs needed to the bus fleet. The GDOT also discussed whether the proposed transit center site should be kept or sold. GDOT recommends 1) reallocating the $1,000,000 to new buses and repair of existing fleet; 2) retaining the property acquired from GRU pending the comprehensive operational analysis; and 3) using only the north side of the Plaza as a mini transfer station.
Mr. Logan also met with the Eastside Development Task Force to discuss his proposal regarding the transit center funds and did receive their endorsement of the proposal. The RTS Citizen Advisory Board at its May meeting also discussed the proposal and recommended that the City adopt the recommendation to use the funds for bus purchase.
The COA referenced in the above discussion would serve to thoroughly analyze the entire structure and operation of the RTS. A COA would develop a 20 year or longer blueprint describing how the RTS will deliver various types of service, operate routes, receive and generate funds, where to place future transfer centers and major facilities, and outline future routes and service areas. A thorough origin and destination (O & D) survey would be conducted and with other demographic and socioeconomic data be compared to the Gainesville and Alachua County long-range plans to ensure consistency with regard to future development and population growth. Alternatives to the existing RTS administrative structure would be developed to determine what type of organization the RTS might be in ten to twenty years. Would it be an independent authority, continue as a City department, or become part of the MTPO or other combined City/County department? Such a study will cost approximately $200,000.00, which will likely be available from federal and state funds and could be accomplished within two years.
The Community Development Department supports use of the funds for buses. Staff also supports, at the appropriate time, doing an RFP for redevelopment of the site previously planned for the transit center, in order to spur redevelopment of a type and character that will contribute to revitalization of the Depot area. Staff is supportive of the Plaza area or a location near 6th Street for bus transfers. The current bus transfer location provides activity at the Plaza, which is positive as a whole, and it is a central location to the downtown for bus riders. The 6th Street location would be more central in terms of linking the downtown and University areas, but would be a less immediately convenient destination for bus riders than the current Plaza location. There are therefore advantages to both locations."
While discussing the alternative of purchasing additional new buses on May 22, 2000, the City Commission raised questions about engine emissions and noise. RTS notes that any new buses purchased by the City will meet or exceed EPA standards. There has been a significant decrease in diesel engine emissions during the past ten years due to improved engine design and efficiency. The planned reduction of sulfur content in diesel fuel will result in diesel emissions at a comparable level to compressed natural gas within the next two to three years. Engine noise has also been reduced through a combination of improved design and exhaust technology so the buses will be quieter.
Fiscal Note
There is $1,000,791.00 available in the building grant fund.
The City Commission: 1) reallocate $1,000,791 for the purchase of new buses and to repair existing buses; 2) authorize the RTS to apply for funding for the comprehensive operational analysis (COA); 3) determine the suitability of the site as a transit center based on recommendations of a COA of the Regional Transit System; and 4) retain the property that was purchased for the transit center pending completion of a COA.