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File #: 001174    Version: 0 Name: Ad Hoc Committee on University Neighborhoods (B)
Type: Discussion Item Status: Passed
File created: 4/9/2001 In control: City Manager
On agenda: Final action: 4/9/2001
Title: Ad Hoc Committee on University Neighborhoods (B)
Attachments: 1. 001174_Ad Hoc Committee on University Neighborhoods_20010409


Ad Hoc Committee on University Neighborhoods (B)



The Ad Hoc Committee on University Neighborhoods was created in August of 2000 to address issues related to stabilizing and enhancing neighborhoods in the University Context Area.  The committee has met seven times, and the following major topics were discussed: incentives to encourage families to move back into the neighborhoods; standards for the built environment; standards of behavior; neighborhood organization/networking; and restrictions on rentals in single-family neighborhoods.  The committee appointed four subcommittees in November 2000 to discuss and make recommendations on specific topics.  Each subcommittee met at least once. 


As a result of the meetings of the University Ad Hoc Committee and the subcommittees, an action list was created.  Fifteen items are listed, including the responsible party and the progress thus far.  The action items include among others: establishing a homeownership incentive program; implementing a long term capital improvements program; identifying rental properties in the University of Florida Context Area; creating a brochure, web site and other tools to market neighborhoods; and studying the impacts of rentals and considering modifications to existing programs or the creation of new programs.  At the February 2001 City Commission meeting, the Commission authorized the hiring of a consultant to assess the situation in the University Context Area, prepare a comparative study of university housing policies, and prepare specific recommendations on any additional actions the City and University may take to enhance the quality of life and preserve the values of Gainesville's single-family neighborhoods.   Some of the action items must involve City of Gainesville and University of Florida participation in order to realize success.  Staff recommends that the action items be referred to the Community Development Committee and Public Works Committee, as appropriate.


At the March 19, 2001 Ad Hoc Committee meeting, the committee recommended that the City Commission appoint four formal committees of citizens to work on further research, recommendations and implementation of action items, with the full Ad Hoc committee reconvening in approximately six months.  Staff recommends that the committees comprise of four members each, with each committee nominating a chair.  The four chairs would then constitute a coordinating committee.  Staff recommends that the application process consider the previous involvement of the applicant on the University Ad Hoc Committee for at least some members of the new committees and the expertise of the applicant relative to the committee topic.  The Ad Hoc Committee assigned responsibility for action items to the following proposed committees:  Finance, Infrastructure, Code Enforcement, and Neighborhood Enhancement/Marketing.


Fiscal Note

Specific action items, such as the creation of a homeownership incentive program, will have yet to be determined fiscal impact.



The City Commission hear an update on the University Ad Hoc Committee; determine a structure and appointment process for four citizen committees; and refer action items to the Community Development or Public Works Committees.


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