Contracts for Supplemental Cold Weather Shelter and Services (B)
On March 13, 2006, the City Commission heard a request to amend the contracts with the Alachua County Housing Authority for supplemental cold weather shelter and services. Staff has received an invoice for additional expenses related to providing cold weather shelter and services at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church.
At its March 13, 2006, meeting, the City Commission considered a request to amend the two contracts with the Alachua County Housing Authority for the provision of supplemental cold weather shelter and services to allow the Housing Authority to shift funds from its hotel/motel voucher contract to its cold weather shelter at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church contract. The reason for this request was the higher than anticipated utilization of the cold weather shelter at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, which resulted in higher start-up capital outlay and utility costs. The original contract amounts were $30,000 for the provision of cold weather shelter at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church and $51,435 for the hotel/motel voucher program. The amended contract amounts would be $40,000 for the provision of cold weather shelter at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church and $41,435 for the hotel/motel voucher program.
The City Commission agreed at its March 13 meeting to ask Holy Trinity Episcopal Church and the Alachua County Housing Authority to return to the City Commission with an invoice for reimbursement of additional expenses for cold weather shelter and services. Staff has received an invoice for the additional expenses, and after careful review determined which expenses are reasonable for reimbursement. The additional expenses would result in an increase of $10,000 above the $30,000 that was initially stated in the contract for cold weather shelter at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. Therefore, the two contracts with the Alachua County Housing Authority would have to be amended to reduce one and increase the other by $10,000.
Fiscal Note
Funds for the two contracts for supplemental cold weather shelter and services are being provided on a 50/50 basis from City funds and a private donation (Account #123-790-G110-5690).
Recommended Motion: The City Commission approve amendments to the contracts with the Alachua County Housing Authority to shift $10,000 from the Housing Authority's hotel/motel voucher program to the cold weather shelter at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church program.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission not approve amendments to the contracts with the Alachua County Housing Authority.
Alternative Recommendation B: The City Commission defer action on the request to amend the contracts.