Update on Cade Museum and Cotton Club Projects (NB)
This item was referred to the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee by the City Commission on October 1, 2009 for staff to provide an update on the Cade Museum proposed for Depot Park and the Cotton Club project.
Cade Museum:
The Cade Museum Foundation has appointed Richard Miles as Executive Director of the Foundation. Phoebe Cade Miles, President of the Foundation, was named an Innovation Advocate as part of the Gainesville Chamber of Commerce Knowledge Economy Initiative. Representatives of the Cade Museum met with Carol R. Johnson Associates over the summer to provide input on the design of Depot Park. The Cade Museum website (www.cademuseum.org
) has established a live view webcam showing progress on the current construction at Depot Park. Susannah Peddie, a representative of the Cade Museum, will provide an update.
Cotton Club:
The Cotton Club is an important historical asset for both the Eastside district and the entire Gainesville community. In its heyday, this once-popular venue was host to such performers as James Brown, Brook Benton, and BB King. CRA is a proud partner working to restore this historic building, which will serve as a neighborhood center for recreational, social, educational, and retail opportunities.
In FY2009, the CRA budgeted $75,000 in funding for the Cotton Club project. The Cotton Club Museum and Cultural Center (CCMCC), in partnership with the Powell Center for Construction and Environment, has developed a scope of work for the redevelopment of the entire Cotton Club site, which includes the following components: Cotton Main Building and restrooms, Perryman Grocery Store, two vernacular-style houses, and site work.
Assistant City Manager Paul Folkers has met with various City department heads to discuss infrastructure needs for this project. Mr. Folkers will provide an update on this ma...
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