Ordinance No. 0-00-45, Petition No. 15ZON-00PB
An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Zoning Map Atlas and rezoning certain lands within the City from "CON: Conservation district" to "I-1: Limited industrial district"; located in the vicinity of 6925 Northwest 23rd Way; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.
The City Commission: 1) approve Petition No. 15ZON-00PB; and 2) adopt the proposed ordinance.
This petition is related to the land use petition, 14LUC-00 PB. The subject property is within the Northwood Industrial Park that is located on the west side of State Road 121 (Northwest 22nd Street). The small strip of land is located at the northern edge of tax parcel 07879-065-000 at 6925 Northwest 23rd Way, and is designated as a drainage easement. The subject property measures approximately 321 feet in total length with a width of 40 feet for a distance of 188 feet and a width of 20 feet for a distance of 133 feet, for a total area of approximately 0.23 acres. The property is zoned CON (conservation district) with CON (conservation) land use.
The request of this petition is to rezone the property from CON to I-1 (limited industrial district) while concurrently changing the land use from CON to IND (industrial). This change is requested in order to allow for the development of the vacant industrial parcel north of the subject property. Exactech, a company that manufactures prosthetic devices, is located on the property south of the subject property and is also the owner of the subject property and the vacant industrial parcel to the north. An additional manufacturing building could be placed on this lot, and could share the existing driveway on Northwest 23rd Way and the vehicular use area of the existing facility to the south. However, any new paved area extending from a f...
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