Regional Transit System Comprehensive Operational Analysis Presentation (B)
The past five years have seen unparalleled growth at the RTS. Passenger trips have increased to 6.3 million in FY 01 and are currently projected to surpass the 7 million mark for FY 02. This growth has resulted in strain on schedule adherence, aging and worn-out fleet, serious overcrowding on the existing system, and significant impact on operational and maintenance facilities. A common tool utilized by transit systems to address growth issues with regard to operations and capital is the Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA). Under normal conditions, a COA is generally an internal document prepared by an outside consultant and is used by system staff to prepare short, middle, and long-range plans and the system's federally mandated Transportation Development Program (TDP).
Given the unique conditions of RTS operations and high level of interest in the success by citizens, UF staff and students, FDOT staff, and elected City and County officials, RTS determined that a COA with a wider scope was a vital step in meeting the challenges of the current system and expectations for continued expansion and enhancement of transit services. With assistance from FDOT, UF and MTPO staff, and Perteet Engineering as primary consultant, RTS has been conducting a COA since May 2001 and reviewing the draft version of the final report since April 2002.
Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact at this time.
The City Commission hear a presentation by Perteet Engineering on the findings and recommendations of the COA report.