Bid Award - Westside Park Improvements (B)
This item is a request for the City Commission to authorize the bid award to Hicks Seal Coating and Striping, LLC dba Hicks Asphalt Paving & Concrete Company for the construction of improvements at Albert “Ray” Massey Westside Park, a regional park located at 1001 NW 34th Street.
The City Commission discussed the Westside Park Improvement Project on April 12, 2018 at a General Policy Committee Meeting and authorized funding for the project on April 19, 2018 at a City Commission Meeting. The City Commission received an update on the project’s design progress on January 10, 2019 and approved additional safety improvement project funding on October 17, 2019.
On September 19, 2019 the Purchasing Division solicited bids for the Westside Park Improvements project. A non-mandatory pre-bid conference was held on October 8th, at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall. A total of five (5) vendors attended the conference. All bids were due at 3:00 p.m. on October 22, 2019. A total of two (2) bids were received by 3:00 p.m. with one (1) bid being rejected as it was past the deadline.
Staff recommends awarding this contract to Hicks Seal Coating and Striping, LLC dba Hicks Asphalt Paving & Concrete in the amount of $739,499.35 for park improvements. Hicks Asphalt Paving & Concrete was determined to be the lowest responsible, responsive bidder as stipulated by the City’s competitive bidding process.
The Westside Park Improvement project is funded through the Wild Spaces & Public Places ½ cent sales tax and a Public Works Department fund for work in the NW 34th Street right of way (this work in the right of way is needed to facilitate the construction of the new park entrance). No Wild Spaces & Public Places funds will be spent outside the park boundaries to facilitate this project. All work being conducted in the right of way is being funded by the Public Works Department.
Fiscal Note
Funds in the amo...
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