Policy for Public Memorials and Monuments (B)
On April 24, 2000, the City Commission was asked to respond to the request of Keep Alachua County Beautiful (KACB) to place an obelisk on the Downtown Plaza. On May 22, 2000, the City Commission heard reports from Cultural Affairs staff, KACB member Susan White, and City Beautification Board (CBB) Chair Cindy Smith. Two motions were made, first, that the Mayor write a letter to the County Commission requesting that the City and the County Commissions jointly establish a standard policy for placing art or memorials on public property; and secondly, that the issue of pavers or names on public property be referred to the appropriate Boards and Committees for policy recommendations and brought back to the Commission for approval.
On June 7, 2000, a letter was sent from Mayor Paula DeLaney to Alachua County Commission Chair Penelope Wheat asking if the County would like to participate in developing this policy. On August 2, 2000, County Manager Randy Reid sent a letter to City Manager Wayne Bowers designating staff contacts for County representation in the discussions of memorials on public properties.
A Memorials and Monuments Committee consisting of City and County staff began meeting in November 2000. Policy guidelines and a donations worksheet were drafted. Representatives from KACB and the CBB were invited to review the drafts and give their input.
Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact at this time.
The City Commission: 1) hear a report from Cultural Affairs staff regarding policy guidelines for public memorials and monuments; and 2) approve the policy guidelines subject to review and approval by the City Attorney.