Model Block Architectural and Structural Review & Deconstruction (B)
In June 2008, the CRA contracted with Jay Reeves and Associates to provide a formal historic preservation opinion and feasibility report for the following properties: 412 NW 4th Avenue (Model Block Site C) and 419 NW 4th Avenue (blue two-story house). The feasibility report includes an inspection, field notes, photograph of damage, overall evaluation, structural engineering review, historic report, and a professional recommendation. The reports are included as back-up.
The professional report concluded and recommended to the HPB that 419 NW 4th Ave is a structure that should be selectively deconstructed, but can be preserved and 412 NW 4th Ave is a structure that should be completely deconstructed. On July 15, 2008 Jay Reeves & Associates filed a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) Application on behalf of the CRA to the Historic Preservation Board (HPB).
On September 4, 2008 the HPB approved, with conditions, the recommendation for a Certificate of Appropriateness for full deconstruction of 412 NW 4th Ave and selective deconstruction for 419 NW 4th Ave. The conditions set forth were that CRA would bring redevelopment plans for the two properties to HPB within one year and any materials from deconstruction that can be salvaged will be saved and used in other projects in the FAPS redevelopment area.
The CRA Project Number is FAPS-04.01-HS-2007 and FAPS-16-HS-2008.
Fiscal Note
Deconstruction is estimated not to exceed $20,000 ($10,000 per house) and can be paid from account 9999-613-W509.
CRA Executive Director to the CRA Board: 1) Approve full deconstruction of 412 NW 4th Ave and selective deconstruction of 419 NW 4th Ave.