Request for Proposals for the Management and Operation of a Public Access Channel (B)
In the fall of 2004, the City Commission authorized staff to work with Alachua County to develop a joint Request For Proposals (RFP) for the management and operation of a public access channel. It was determined that the Request for Proposals would be issued through Alachua County's Purchasing Division. City and County staffs have been working to develop a very detailed RFP and to resolve inconsistencies between City and County purchasing policies and procedures. The Request for Proposals is now ready to be disseminated, and as requested, the document is being provided for Commission review prior to dissemination. If the Commission approves dissemination of this document, then staff will proceed through normal purchasing process as outlined in the Request For Proposals.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission approve the dissemination of the Request for Proposals for the Management and Operation of a Public Access Channel.