First Extension to Annual Services Contract for Limerock for FY 2000
First Extension to Annual Services Contract for Limerock for FY 2000
The Public Works Department's Operations Division purchases approximately 8,500 tons of limerock per year for use in the maintenance and construction of the City's streets and drainage facilities. Limerock is also used in capital projects and in the repairs to City facilities necessitated by utility repairs and installations.
The Contract awarded to Limerock Industries, Inc. for Fiscal Year 1999 allows for two one-year extensions. This is the first request for an Extension. Services provided under this Agreement have been satisfactory and a survey by Operations Division staff has revealed that Limerock Industries' prices are competitive.
Fiscal Note
All purchases will occur through the Operations Division's Inventory Account and will be charged to the appropriate operating budget account or the appropriate capital improvement account.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager or designee to execute an Extension Agreement with Limerock Industries, Inc. for the supply of limerock base material, extending the term of the Agreement from October 1, 1999 to September 30, 2000, subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality and subject to final appropriation of funds for FY 2000.