Annual Contract for Small Diameter Jack and Bore and Directional Boring (B)
Jack and Bore and directional bore services are required by the Energy Delivery Department in order to install a variety of underground utilities. Invitations to Bid were issued by Utilities Purchasing to five firms capable of providing these services. Two firms did not respond to the Invitation. A tabulation of the three bids received is attached for your information.
The Invitation to Bid was issued to cover the estimated requirements of the Gas Division, but subsequent to receiving the bids Electric T&D expressed a need for an additional source for directional bore services outside of its annual electrical underground contract. In addition, the Water and Wastewater Departments are beginning to utilize directional bore services and have a need for an additional source for their jack and bore requirements. Therefore, staff intends, and has obtained approval from the contractor, to add a provision to the contract to allow other departments to utilize it. D&D, Inc. is the only known contractor in the area capable of performing these services for all four utilities.
The initial term of the agreement will be three years, with two (2), twelve-month extensions by mutual agreement and negotiation of prices.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute a contract for small diameter jack and bore and directional boring services with D&D, Inc., subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality; 2) and approve the issuance of purchase orders to D&D, Inc., in amounts not exceeding $220,000 per fiscal year.
Fiscal Note
Funds for these services are included in the FY 2001 Utility budgets and will be requested in the FY 2002 and 2003 budgets.
Prepared by: David E. Beaulieu, Assistant General Manager - Energy Delivery
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager