Florida Department of Corrections Inmate Contract Crew. (B)
This item is for the City Commission to authorize the City Manager or designee to enter into a contract with the Florida Department of Corrections for a contractual inmate crew for the term of November 22, 2008 through November 21, 2009.
As part of the fiscal year 2009 budget process funds were identified in the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Departmental budget for a contract inmate crew with the Florida Department of Corrections (FDOC). The inmate crew will consist of a FDOC supervisor along with five inmates from their workcamp located on East University Avenue.
This annual contract is for one Department of Corrections Inmate Officer and a five man minimal security inmate squad.
Each week the officer will provide 40 hours of supervision over the five inmates who would perform 200 hours of labor. Annually this works out to approximately 200 hours for the officer and 10,000 hours of labor for the inmates.
The majority of work these inmates would perform is labor intensive tasks such as picking up trash, grounds maintenance and other park maintenance and construction tasks. This resource of labor has enabled our paid staff to focus their time on skilled maintenance and construction tasks and has resulted in significant improvements over the past three years to the entire park system.
Fiscal Note
Funds are currently allocated in the Nature Operations Division Annual FY 09 budget.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the City Manager or designee to enter into a contract with the Florida Department of Corrections for a contractual inmate crew not to exceed $56,467 and; 2) that the contract be renewed annually as long as funding and adequate performance has been demonstrated.
Alternative Recommendation A
The City Commission deny the request to enter into the contract.