Second Extension to the Contract for Professional Water Resource Engineering Services for FY 2006 (B)
The contract dated May 25, 2004, First Amendment dated August 20, 2004, and First Extension dated February 14, 2005, with Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.; and the contract dated June 4, 2004, and First Extension dated February 19, 2005, with Jones, Edmunds & Associates, Inc., for Professional Water Resource Engineering Services will expire on September 30, 2005. These firms have responded to the City's requests for services promptly and the firms' services have been reliable and accurate.
The Contracts allow for five one-year extensions on each contract. This is the second request for extensions.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available in the Stormwater Utility Fund.
The City Commission authorize the Interim City Manager or designee to execute the Second Extension to the contracts with Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc. and Jones, Edmunds & Associates, Inc. for Professional Water Resource Engineering Services, extending the term of the contracts from October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006.