Resolution to Dual-Name SW 7th Avenue to Isaiah "Ike" Norman Avenue (B)
This item involves a Resolution authorizing the dual-naming of the Porter's Community area of SW 7th Avenue between SW 5th Street and SW 5th Terrace to Isaiah "Ike" Norman Avenue.
At the City Commission meeting on July 14, 2008 a GPD officer raised some concerns about the re-naming of the street and the City Commission tabled this item pending further review. That review has been completed and Commissioner Henry and the Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee recommend the dual naming of this Street in honor of Mr. Norman.
Mr. Isaiah "Ike" Norman was born on November 12, 1932, in Grove Park, Florida. He was a resident in the Porter's Community for over 70 years. Mr. Norman owned and operated a Café establishment, located at 508 SW 7th Avenue, in the Porter's Community for over 50 years. Mr. Norman contributed to the community by serving as an advocate for senior citizens and by donating to various events and to neighborhood children. The City of Gainesville and the Community wish to honor the memory of Mr. Norman, who passed away on Wednesday, January 16, 2008, by dual-naming the portion of SW 7th Avenue between SW 5th Avenue and SW 5th Terrace in the City of Gainesville, Florida, to "Isaiah "Ike" Norman Avenue" so that his devotion to humanity and this Community will always be remembered.
Fiscal Note
Funding in the estimated amount of $200 for materials and sign production is available in the Public Works Department FY08 operating budget.
The City Commission adopt the Resolution.