1997 Metamorphosis House Agreement (B)
At the April 21, 1997 City Commission meeting the City Commission authorized $60,000 to relocate and renovate the Metamorphosis House. The City of Gainesville entered into an agreement to pay for the acquisition and renovation of Collins Court, which relocated the Metamorphosis House on June 24, 1997. The new site was acquired by Alachua County and the City of Gainesville paid $45,473 towards the purchase.
On August 4, 2000 the City of Gainesville received a bill from Alachua County for the renovation of the Collins Court property. Due to the length of time since the agreement, it is necessary for the City Commission to reappropriate the funding.
Fiscal Note
Funds for this agreement were allocated in May 1997. The funding for acquisition was paid to Alachua County. The remaining funding for the renovation was rolled forward in FY 1998 and 1999. The funds were not rolled forward in FY 2000 and returned to Fund Balance. Funds for renovation were requested on August 4, 2000.
The City Commission appropriate $14,528 from General Fund Fund Balance to pay for the renovation expenses at Collins Court.