State of Florida Department of Transportation Concept Paper on Aggressive Driving (B)
The Florida Department of Transportation Safety Office (FDOT) funds sub grants that address traffic safety priority areas that include Impaired Driving, Police Traffic Services, Speed and Aggressive Driving, Roadway Safety, Occupant Protection, Child Passenger Safety, Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety, Motorcycle Safety, Traffic Records, and Community Traffic Safety. The Gainesville Police Department is participating in a sub grant project dealing with aggressive driving in the City of Gainesville. The amount of the award is $30,100 and will be utilized toward reducing aggressive driving through issuance of traffic citations, conducting joint operations with other law enforcement agencies concentrating on violations listed under the aggressive driving definition, providing public service announcements and participating in community events where traffic safety initiatives are discussed. GPD will also participate in all national and state traffic safety campaigns.
Fiscal Note
The amount of the award is $30,100. This is a new initiative. There are no required local matching funds for this grant award.
The City Commission approve the expenditures outlined in the grant award and authorize the City Manager or designee to sign and execute any documents associated with the award pending approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.