Ordinance No. 0-08-32, Petition 22LUC-08PB
An ordinance amending the City of Gainesville 2000-2010 Comprehensive Plan, Future Land Use Map; by changing the land use category of certain property, as more specifically described in this ordinance, from the Alachua County land use category of "Rural/Agriculture" to the City of Gainesville land use category of "Conservation"; located in the 6600 block of Northeast 39th Avenue; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
The City Commission: 1) approve Petition 22LUC-08PB; and 2) adopt the proposed ordinance.
This petition is a small-scale land use amendment to change the Future Land Use category from Alachua County Rural/Agriculture to City of Gainesville Conservation.
This 6.2-acre parcel is City-owned land that was annexed by the City in 2007 and must be brought into conformance with the City's Generalized Future Land Use Map. This area is vacant, forested land located on the south side of Northeast 39th Avenue approximately 2.5 miles from the Gainesville Regional Airport main entrance. It is adjacent to vacant City-owned parcels and County agricultural land. No development is currently planned for this parcel.
Public notice was published in the Gainesville Sun on April 30, 2008. The Plan Board held a public hearing on May 15, 2008.
The proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is treated as a small scale development activity. After the City Commission adopts the ordinance, it will be filed with the State Land Planning Agency. The state land planning agency does not review or issue a notice of intent for small scale development amendments. Any affected person may file a petition with the State Division of Administrative Hearings to request a hearing to challenge the compliance of a small scale development amen...
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